Chapter 10

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I look around at the underground hospital.

District 13.

This District was said to be bombed out of existence years ago. But here I sit, holding Cato's hand as he lays in this hospital bed.

Being underground here makes me extremely uneasy. It reminds me of the mines back home.

Back in District 12.

This thought brings up the issue of my family and friends back home. Who knows what the Capitol's decided to do after the stunt that was just pulled. We ruined this years games.

No one ruins the games and gets away with it.

"Hey, what thoughts are running through that pretty little head of yours?" Cato asks while carding his fingers through my hair.

"Home." I reply, my voice cracking from all of the emotions running through me.

"It'll be okay beautiful," Cato says while pulling me down into the small bed, being cautious of his patched up bullet wound.

"I hope so," I whisper more to myself followed by the sound of the room door opening. In walks Haymitch with his flask in hand. He takes a sip of it before putting it away.

I thought there was some no alcohol rule here?

"Well this is cute," Haymitch says gruffly while sitting in the chair I was just occupying.

I role my eyes at him, "Can you just explain what's going on?"

"Oh yeah, that," he says as if breaking us out of the tribute center and taking us to a place that was suppose to be long gone just casually slipped his mind.

"Well, as you can see, District 13 had been hiding underground for the past 75 years. Now, we believe it's finally time," he finishes.

"Finally time for what?" Cato pipes in.

"Well, the rebellion of course," Haymitch says as though it's nothing.

My heart just about stops. We know what happened last time a rebellion was attempted.

"We couldn't possibly overthrow the Capitol," I say incredulously because the whole thing just seems bizarre.

"Well, we just need to try to win over District 2 and then we might have a fighting chance," he says followed by a beeping sound coming from something on his wrist that looks like a watch. He presses a button to listen to what's being said and the look on his face is horrible. I couldn't make out what was being said but by the look on Haymitch's face I could tell it isn't good. His entire face drops before he shoots up in his chair.

"Where are you going?" I ask.

He hesitates, like he doesn't want to tell me.

"Katniss," he pauses before continuing, "District 12 was just bombed."

And my whole world comes crashing down.

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