6 |I don't belong here|

Start from the beginning

"I don't belong here, and you know that. And I need to be in my own universe!" He shouts.

I felt like he was upset with me and it hurt me inside. I felt my stomach drop because I knew he was right. He doesn't belong here, with me and I was an idiot for forgetting that.

"I know.. but I love spending time with you." I say, my voice barely above a whisper.

"That doesn't change anything Y/n. I can't stay here, and I can't find shit to fix my watch." He slams his fist on his table and sighs.

I flinch as I hear the booming sound echo through out the room, I never thought Hobie would be aggressive.

"Hobie I-"

"Leave me alone Y/n, I need to fix this damn thing." He looks down at the watch.

"Hobie let me help-"

"Get out!" He yells.

Him yelling at me made my heart ache and I felt myself tear up. I quickly ran out of the room and then into mine.

I shut my door and slid down onto the floor holding my knees to my chest. The tears finally started to fall, I let out a shakey sigh as the tears flowed down my cheeks.

I hated him being angry at me, I should have just left him alone. But the thought that he wants to leave me here without a second thought is eating me alive.

I was on the floor for hours crying silently with my thoughts. My whole mind was fucked up, and I couldn't get myself together. I wished he could stay with me forever without a care in the world.

And yet I say that he's an annoying little punk...

Hobie POV

I yelled at her.. I didn't mean it. I was so lost in my own thoughts and problems these last few weeks I took it out on her by mistake.

I hated myself for it, I would never yell at her. Hell I wouldnt balme her if she hated me now.

I haven't even been fixing my watch since the whole thing. Ive just sat on my bed thinking about what the hell I did.

She didn't deserve that, and I probably scared her, I've never been angry around her, mostly because I can't be.

She always finds some way to make me smile, laugh, she's always on my mind. And it's not like I don't want to stay with her, it's that I physically can't. I have my own world that needs me.

I finally got up after hours alone with my thoughts. I had to apologize to her, make her know that I didn't mean it, that I wasn't thinking straight, that I shouldn't have said any of those horrible things to her.

That making her feel sad and frightened because of me was going to tear me apart...

I sighed as I approached her door. I hesitated for a moment before finally knocking.

"Y/n... Y/n open the door I know your there." I knock a few more times.

I hear shuffling and movement before she finally peaked the door open a little hiding her face.

When she finally looked up at me I felt my heart ache, she'd been crying, because of me. I wanted to hold her close to me and tell her I didn't mean shit I said until she believed it, but I knew I was lucky enough to get her to open the door let alone touch her in anyway.

"Y/n.. have you been crying?" I ask as my voice softened.

Well no shit Sherlock it's obvious in her puffy irritated eyes. And it's all your fault.

You Delinquent Little Punk |Hobie Brown X Reader|Where stories live. Discover now