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I feel disgusting. I love hockey, but not right now. I wanna go home. I wanna be cool with Charlie. I hurt his feelings but I don't know what I did.

I end up being to focused on literally anything else that I get smashed into the boards.

"I'm sorry I thought you saw me." Shawn, a junior, says looking down at me. I shrug because I don't know what else I'm supposed to say. What do I say?

"It's all good man. Good hit." Yeah. Say that.

"Ollie what were you doing there? Day dreaming about your girlfriend?" Coach asks. The team laughs but I don't care. Charlie didn't laugh.

"Yeah I was. Sorry." I say. I've never had a girlfriend.

"Get your head in the game, Son. We have a game on Friday and I can't have you day dreaming then. They'll hit you twice as hard and you can kiss this hockey season goodbye with an injury." Coach states. I know he's right. But I can't focus. I'm distracted.

"Got it coach." I don't got it. This is fucking with me. Fucking forget it. Forget about him. Get your head in the damn game.

I forget for about 2 minutes and then I'm back to being distracted. What the fuck is wrong with me? Why do I even care? I shouldn't care. I shouldn't care.

I'm the only one still on the ice when practice is over. I'm just skating in circles. Distracted.

"Yo! Ollie! What are you doing?" I look over at the locker room entrance and see Charlie. Charlie is tall. Maybe 6'3? His brown hair is ruffled and falling in his eyes.

I skate over to him without giving him an answer. I step out of the rink and walk right to him. I can't do this. I walk up and hug him. I hug him for maybe 10 seconds. Maybe 10 minutes. I don't know anymore. I let go and I feel better. I feel great actually. I brush past him and into the locker room.

I don't shower. I take off my pads and change into my street clothes.

"What was that?" Charlie asks coming up behind me.

I don't turn around. I can feel him behind me. He's close to me. "Nothing. Just I'm sorry."

"Yeah, okay. I get it. You don't have to feel bad. I'm completely over it. It's just things happened a few months ago and now I'm just skittish like that. Everything's cool. Trust me." I believe him when he says that. I'm not distracted anymore. I'm not worried. We're cool now.

"We better get out of here before they lock us in." I suggest. I'm okay now.

"Yeah, gotcha." He replies. He leaves before I do. I grab my gear and my sticks and head out into the frigid air. The air is becoming cooler with the approach of Halloween. Glad I'm wearing sweats or else I would be freezing my balls off. Gotta love the New England air.

I toss my hockey gear in the back of my car and hop in the drivers side. I pull out of the arena and drive home.

When I come inside I see Sam and Percy in the living room watching a movie.

"What are you guys watching?" I ask.

"I don't really know. Percy chose tonight and it's some sci-fi movie thats actually trash." Sam replies.

On The Ice (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now