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a/n- i reread these first 3 chapters and to be honest they're not amazing. so just trust me they get better. so pretty please give them a shot.


I wake up to a faint knocking on my bedroom door. I sit upright, wiping the sleep from my eyes and i look around. "Ollie! Get up!" Someone is screaming. I'm too tired right now to decipher who the voice is coming from.

I kick my legs over the side of my bed and run my hands through my blonde hair. I go to the door to see who is waking me.

"Dude. Percy. What is it?" I ask finding my younger brother standing outside my bedroom door.

"It's 7:30! We have to be at school in 15 minutes. Why haven't you gotten up yet?!" He shouts a little too loud.

"Chill. We only live like a couple minutes from school. Just lemme get changed and I'll be downstairs in a sec."

I walk back in my room and go straight to the bathroom. My breath is raging this morning.

I find some clothes to wear and make my way downstairs. I'm wearing what I wear everyday. Just my Edgewood hockey sweatshirt and some gym shorts.

As I make my way downstairs I can hear my parents talking about the bruins game last night. They got shutout in a 4-0 loss to the canes. That's embarrassing.

"Ollie hurry up! It's 7:40." I hear my sister Samantha shout. Sam is in high school with me. I am a senior and she is only a sophomore. Percy is the youngest out of us three, only being in 7th grade.

My family loves hockey. My mom and dad were raging bruins fans, myself included. We all love the ice. My mom was a figure skater and my dad used to play hockey in college. He would've played in the NHL, but then he met my mom and they had me. He didn't really mind though, he found the love of his life and thought she meant more than hockey. Cute story honestly.

Me and my younger brother both play hockey. Sam figure skates, she skates solo just like my mom used too. We seem to be following in our parents footsteps.

My mom is a therapist now and my dad is the JV coach of the hockey team at my school. He's never been my coach because I've never played on JV, it's always been varsity. My dad wants me to enter the draft in June and play in the NHL next year. I'm projected to be a first round pick, but it's whatever.

"Ollie, let's go!" Sam screams again. Everyone is always screaming at me for some reason this morning.

I grab my keys and enter the garage. Both my siblings following suit. I get in the car and pull out and head towards the school.

"You need to get up earlier. I can't afford to be late." Sam says, looking at me from the passenger side.

"Guys chill. We're fine." I reply. "Did you two watch the bruins game last night? It was brutal."

"Yes. It was terrible. How do you get shutout by the canes? Like that's embarrassing. If they play like this all season then imma find a new team, man." My brother says. I think it's still early in the season so this shutout won't cost them much, but yeah, they need to get their heads out of their asses and play right.

I drop Percy off at the middle school and head back to the high school for me and Sam. When I park, she looks at me with a concerned look and says, "You're okay, right? No stress?"

"Don't worry, I'm fine. Hockey starts today, no need to worry about me." I say with a reassuring smile.

I walk in and head to my locker. I grab my books and whatever else I need and go to class. I'm not the smartest kid here but I'm passing. My dad says I have a future in hockey anyway.

On The Ice (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now