Ch 26: Showtime!!

Start from the beginning

Though they appeared bluish at a distance, up close the boy's eyes were the softest, most gentle grey she had ever seen. The shade reminded her of the winter sky just after a snowfall. He was handsome as well, and when he smiled at her, it was as though all the anger within her just... disappeared. He stopped a little ways in front of her, and bowed.

"Hello miss. My name is Shurren Sayo, but as a friend of Mako's, you can call me, Shura. I apologize for my mate's poor behavior. Unfortunately he can be quite a boar at times, though he truly means well in his heart.We have a very unique relationship you see, in that we allow each other to roam a bit, so long as we never stay apart for too long." He said gently, before turning back to Kona, who was still dabbing at his cheek.

"Now, Kona, surely you have a reason for why you would do such a thing?"

Recognition lit the golden idol's eyes and he raised his hands in defeat. "What was I supposed to do??? Matt called, said he had taken you to the hospital, and I just took off!"


The golden haired male flinched, laughing nervously as the light-brunette male let out an exasperated sigh.

"KONA!!! Again?? Why is it so hard for you to follow just one simple rule???" Shura shook his head, disappointment laced in the words as he turned back to Shizuru.

"I'm so sorry! In truth, as idols our relationship is a bit different than most. We are supposed to let our lovers know the truth before we leave with them, but this hound dog forgets much more often than he should."

"I... WHAT??" Every word these two spoke just confused and upset her more, and she was getting ready to sock the younger dog too, when a clearing throat caught everyone's attention.

"OKAAAY... Since these two have the social skills of a goddamned mosquito, let me translate! Everyone, meet my 'friends', Kona Sume, and Shurren Sayo. Pop Idols, dogs in human skin, delusional idiots, and completely shameless harlots. Now then-"

"That's very unkind Mako... he might be a harlot, but you know I'm not!" Shura pouted, that light-brown hair perfectly framing his face even as he shook his head at the tomcat.

"Heheheh, it's a pretty fitting term for me though.." Kona admitted, getting back to his feet. He turned towards the strawberry blond, grinning ear to ear.

"Damn, that was one hell of a punch! You and me should spar some time! Hey, sorry about Kyoto, that was pretty shitty, even for me. Let me buy you a drink some time to make up for it!"
Twin Bonks sounded out as Shizuru punched him in the face again, and Shurren slammed his fist into the back of the dog-demon's head.

"No thank you!! I've got a new drinking buddy now, so you can go to hell!!" She snarled at him, lacing her arm through Mako's who blinked incredulously, too caught off guard to speak. At the same time Shurren growled.

"I am right here you overgrown mongrel!! I swear every time we have a show in this town you let the fame go straight to your head!! Can't you act your age just once?"

Kona ran a hand through that long golden hair as they scolded him, then glanced around as though noticing the rest of the group for the first time.

"Woah!! Hey Tomcat, don't tell me these are all your kids!"

With an exasperated sigh, Mako gestured to the group, pointing in turn.

"Not all of them. Kona and Shura, Meet my kids and their friends. Kids are Maru," he pointed to the blue haired male, who gave a curt nod in return. "Suni," Sunemia simply 'hmphed' turning her nose pointedly from the dogs. "And the one hiding behind everyone else is Yumiko."

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