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"Blast it bud!" Hiccup yelled to Toothless. A plasma blast blasted from Toothless mouth and the duo sent the ship rocking side to side from the blow. Hiccup looked to see that there was a hole in the ship now. He smiled as water started filling up and sinking the boat. 

The Dragon Riders had been flying on their patrol and ran into a fleet of Dragon Hunters. They were making a delivery of dragons to Viggo's base and they had caught them just in time before they made it there. 

"Hiccup!" Astrid's voice came flying above him. "Watch the arrows!" 

Hiccup dodged the dragon root as Toothless swirled in the air. "Thanks!" Hiccup called to her as she flew with Stormfly to another ship to blast the hunters on top. "Come on, bud," Hiccup said to his dragon. "Let's free some dragons." Hiccup flew past his friends that were blasting ships as he flew down on Toothless to the deck.

"Dragon Rider!" One of the hunters on deck shouted, alerting the other hunters. They all came running to Hiccup with their weapons raised. 

Hiccup drew out his own weapon, Inferno, and turned on the fire sword. Preparing himself for battle. 

"Snotlout, Snotlout, oy, oy, oy!" Came a voice in the air. Hiccup watched as fire blasted down from Hockfang. The hunters that were charging after Hiccup were blown off their feet and hit hard on the deck. "You owe me, Hiccup!" Snotlout shouted as he flew away.

"Yeah, yeah," Hiccup said with a smile as he and Toothless ran below deck, picking up the keys that were on one of the knocked out hunter's belts. Hiccup saw there were many dragons in almost all the cages. Hiccup unlocked a cage holding a Deadly Nadder first. The dragon was so scared of being held captive that it didn't pay much attention to Hiccup at all and just ran out of the boat. It was the same for every dragon. Only once, a Changewing tried attacking Hiccup. 

"Toothless!" Hiccup yelled and Toothless let a roar come through before blasting the Changewing that was about to blast Hiccup with acid. The Changewing retreated out of the boat and disappeared into the air. "Thanks bud," Hiccup said, relieved.

Hiccup moved to the last cage and heard a low growling from the cage. Hiccup peered in and saw the strangest dragon he had ever seen. It was a dark red dragon with bright white eyes. Almost like a Whispering Death because of the eye resemblance. Hiccup was amazed. The dragon seemed unhappy and grumpy. It lurked as far back in the cage possible.

"Hey, Mr. Dragon," Hiccup said with a nervous laugh. The dragon looked at him with its silky white eyes. "We're going to get you out of here." Hiccup got the last key he didn't use yet and unlocked the cage. Hiccup swung it up so the cell door reached the roof. 

The dragon hissed at Hiccup and backed further away from him.

Toothless's eyes went sharp and he growled at the red dragon. Hiccup saw two fangs that hung out of it's mouth. The tail looked like a sharp point. 

"Come on," Hiccup said and gestured for the dragon to leave. It hissed again and Hiccup sighed. "It's scared of vikings," Hiccup said to Toothless and got on his back. "Once we leave, hopefully it'll leave too." 

Toothless ran out of the ship and flew into the air. Hiccup saw his friends on the ship he had just exited. He did a loopty loop on Toothless and landed beside them all.

"Any other dragons on any other ships?" Hiccup asked the group.

"Only on one other boat," Astrid reported. "The twins went down to free them."

"Good," Hiccup said.

"What about the dragons you freed?" Fishlegs asked.

Hiccup laughed a little. "Got attacked by a Changewing but Toothless scared it away, didn't you, bud?" Hiccup asked his dragon who made a chuckling noise in his throat. "But there's a dragon down there that I've never seen before as well." Hiccup got Fishlegs attention. "It's a weird dark red, and had these weird fangs on it's bottom jaw."

"Amazing," Fishlegs whispered. 

"Uhhh, H?" Tuffnut asked. He was looking at something behind Hiccup as Hiccup started geeking out with Fishlegs. 

"What, Tuff?" Hiccup asked, pausing his conversation with Fishlegs about what type of class the mysterious dragon he saw could have been. 

"That dragon you described like, I don't know, ten seconds ago? Yeah, you remember that one?" Tuff started and Hiccup glared at him. "Anyway, I think I see it, it's crawling out of the hatch right behind you."

Hiccup spun around to see that Tuff was right. The dragon that he was talking about was slowly crawling out of the deck below and was making its way on top. It's glassy eyes stared at Hiccup and the other Riders. Approaching them slowly. 

"It didn't leave the ship?" Snotlout asked, Hookfang was backing away and growling at the red dragon. "Whatever it is, Hooky doesn't like it."

"Yeah," Hiccup said amazed as he watched the dragon examine him and the others. "It was too scared of me when I opened the cage and wouldn't leave," Hiccup explained and got off of Toothless, slowly moving towards the dragon. 

"Hiccup," Astrid warned. "I wouldn't do that."

Hiccup continued to approach the dragon that was now looking dead into Hiccup's eye, or so he assumed. The eerie whiteness of the dragon's eyes was so fascinating. The dragon growled lowly as Hiccup took another step closer to it. It's tail was thrashing around as if it was agitated. Hiccup stretched out his hand to the red dragon and stopped moving any further. The dragon looked at Hiccup and observed his hand. Out of nowhere, the dragon lunged for Hiccup and pinned him to the ground. 

"Hiccup!" Astrid shouted as the dragon thrashed its claws at Hiccup's chest. He grunted as blood started dripping from the claw marks.

Kicking hard at the dragon, Hiccup was able to get free from its grip. It recovered and charged back to Hiccup, making a high pitched roar that sounded like a scream. Toothless blasted at the dragon to keep it away from his rider but the blast did nothing to it. Not even slowing it down. Hiccup slowly dodged the attack and was hit hard by the dragons dark red wing that was extended out.

"Stormfly! What's the matter with you?" Astrid yelled as Stormfly took off into the air, her eyes were sharp. It was the same case for Barf, Belch, Meatlug, and Hookfang. All of the Rider's dragons were in the air and trying to fly as far away from the red dragon that was still attacking Hiccup.

Back on the ship, Toothless was scratching at the red dragons hard scales as it sat atop of Hiccup. Hiccup was struggling to keep the dragons fangs away from his neck. He was pushing the dragon away with his arms that were fully extended. Hiccup's hand suddenly slipped and got scratched by the dragons long fang. Hiccup yelped as his hand started to sting. With only one hand holding the dragon away, he wasn't strong enough. The fangs came down to Hiccup's neck and he barely moved in time so they didn't plunge right into his neck but instead scratched the edge. The bleeding wound instantly started to sting as well as his hand. 

Toothless let out a roar of rage and hammered into the red dragon. It flew off of Hiccup and hit the deck hard on its head, getting knocked out cold. 

Hiccup got up from his spot and climbed on Toothless's saddle. His hand that had been cut was balled into a fist and clutched against his chest that was scratched up. Hiccup's neck was dripping with blood that covered his body. 

"Are you alright?" Fishlegs asked as the Riders flew up to Hiccup. 

Everyone had a worried expression, the dragons were just recovering from their spooked state. 

"I'm alright," Hiccup sighed, exhausted. "Just a little scratched up."

"Let's get back to the edge quickly," Astrid suggested. Hiccup nodded and hissed through his teeth when the wound on his neck stretched and moved. Astrid looked at him with worry and they all flew home. 

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