Needed A Little Help

Start from the beginning


"So you're the one responsible for all this huh?"


"That's right, so are you going to surrender?"


"Seeing that you've beaten all my guys unconscious, I have no choice but to surrender."


"Wise choice, still now stand still so I could put these handcuffs on you."

Deku says that as he takes out a pair of handcuffs from one of his pouches on his belt. As soon as Deku got closer to the boss, he grabs him by the wrist and prepare to latch the handcuff on to him. But right before he did so, his dangerous sense suddenly kicked in, as he then noticed something moving up the boss's forearm. Seeing that he quickly drop the handcuffs and backed away has he then saw two blades come right out of the boss's forearm.


"I'm surprised you noticed my quirk. Usually a lot of people never notice it until the blades are pierced right through them."


"At first I thought you could be reasoned with. Now it looks like I was wrong."


"Haha, I can't believe you thought that. You really are a stupid hero. A stupid hero that needs die!"

The boss rushes Deku and begin swinging his blades right at him. Doing so, Deku was able to dodge his attacks with ease. While dodging, Deku suddenly jumped up and flipped over the boss's head. Landing back on his feet, Deku clenched his left fist and twisted back around the punch the boss in the back of his head. But right when his fist was about to punch the boss in the back of his head. The boss suddenly duck down, making Deku's fish go right over his head. From this happening, the boss quickly extended his arm out from behind and cute Deku on his arm, they giving him a very deep cut. Deku backs away and quickly grabs hold of his arm to try to stop the bleeding. While doing so, the stood right back up and turned around to face Deku.


"Well, well, looks like you weren't fast enough to dodge that. Let's see if you are able to dodge these?"

With saying that, the boss rushes towards Deku and begin flashing right at him. As he did this, Deku was able to dodge his attacks but was not as fast as he usually is do to the large cut on his arm. Due to this, his movement began slowing down which pleased the boss as a tip of his blades began cutting parts of Deku. From receiving so many cuts, Deku soon fell to his knee. As deku was going to attempt to pick himself up, he suddenly felt two blades press against each side of his neck. Feeling this, he looks up and sees the boss standing over him with his blades very close to his neck.


"Looks like I win. And from my price... Your head."

As the blades were about to slice through the sides of Deku's neck, suddenly something wrapped around the boss's neck which then pulled him back, making him fall to the ground. From that happening, the boss looks down at his neck and sees that some sort of tube around his neck. So he reached towards it to try to unravel it, the right before he could he was soon punched directly in his face by Deku who used a small percentage of One For All to knock out the boss. After doing so, Deku pulls back his fist and stood up where he then look at the boss and noticed the tube around his neck which has a syringe at the end of it. From seeing that he looks ahead and sees Toga walk out of the darkness and into the light.


"Hey Izuku, fancy seeing you here."


"Toga, what are you doing here? I thought I told you to go back to your family."


"You did, but did you think a villain will actually listen to a hero?"

From hearing that, Deku glances down at the boss then looks back at Toga.


"You got a point there. So what exactly are you doing here?"


"Well to be honest I was sort of following you."




"Well at first I was planning to observe you from a distance. But seeing what was happening I think you needed a little help. So that makes it two times that I've saved you."


"Yeah I guess so. So what now huh? Are you going to continue following me?"


"Yeah, but how about we make a deal?"


"A what type of deal?"


"A deal where you let me stick around you."


"I don't know if that's a good idea."


"I know you might think it's not a good idea, but if you let me stick around I'll patch up those wounds of yours."

Hearing her say that, Deku looks at the cuts he's received and notices some are very deep and needs medical aid right away.


"So what do you say Izuku, you going to let me stick around?"


"(Sigh) fine, I'll let you stick around and patch my wounds."

Hearing Deku's answer, Toga smiles at him.


"You won't regret this Izuku."


"Hopefully I don't."

~To be continued~

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