You Can't Trust Everyone

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By: Lostwight

November 6th, 2015

Oh boy. I'm not really sure how to properly start these types of stories, but, I'm going to try to get to the point as fast as possible. See, I'm kind of on a timer here. I'm currently writing this on one of the computers in the library at my college. As I type, I feel like I'm being watched from the shadows. I know it sounds crazy, but I need to get this story out somehow. Nobody here will believe anything I say. I'm falling behind on all of my schoolwork to the point where I might be put on academic probation. I also got fired from my part-time job because I was scaring the customers. Anyways, I want to at least do something so I can tell myself this was all worth it. Even still, it might not even matter in the end.

Last year, I met a guy named Jack Driscoll. He was a pretty chill dude for the most part, and we actually became pretty good friends. My name is Ethan by the way, and I'm currently finishing up my senior year in college. Well, trying to finish up my senior year. Anyways, as I was saying, Jack and I started to become good friends after we found out we were pretty much into all of the same stuff. We both liked the same types of videogames, the same movie genres, and even had the same taste in clothes. I had other friends, sure, but nobody that was interested in the same things I was. Sadly, this all changed last winter.

Jack started hanging out with a girl from one of our classes named Elisa. It wasn't long before he asked her out and the two became an item. At first, I was happy for him. He never had the best luck with the ladies, so it was nice to see him with someone who genuinely liked him. We would all hang out from time to time and she came off as a really nice girl. Hell, I was even found myself getting a little jealous.

About a month into their relationship, I noticed things started to change. Jack would stop hanging out with his friends and spend more time with Elisa. At first, I figured this was normal. A lot of people will want to spend more time with their significant other, and there really isn't anything wrong with that. I'd still see him and we'd play videogames online together after class, so I didn't think too much of it.

Then, things started to get... weird. One morning, the two of us were waiting in line at the cafeteria. The food at our school wasn't the best, but it was fine for what it was. We got there a little late, so the line was on already pretty long, but nothing we weren't used to.

"Guess we should have got here earlier huh?" I laughed. Jack didn't say anything. "Hey, buddy, you still asleep?" I joked as I nudged his shoulder.

"Shut up," he murmured. I was taken aback by his response since he sounded genuinely angry.

"I'm only joking," I explained. "Did you not get enough sleep last night or what?"

"This line is too fucking long. I need to get out of here!" Some of the other students started staring at us now. Jack realized this and turned around. "You got a problem?!" he yelled at one of the girls behind us.

The girl froze and grabbed her friend's hand.

"Dude! What the hell!? Calm down!" I yelled back. I had no idea why he was acting like this, it wasn't like him at all. Jack didn't say a word. Instead, he just turned to towards the door and ran out of the building.

After that incident, I didn't talk to him. I did try to get his attention in class for a while, but it was no use.

After a few days, I stopped trying altogether. After a week, Jack stopped showing up to class.

One night, I ran into Elisa in the hallway. I was done with classes for the day and was ready to head back to my apartment.

"Hey, Elisa," I said with a smile.

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