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By: Pau0615

Have you heard of dolls that move by themselves? Or even get to see them move? I have one of those experiences. It all started when someone gave me a large package. Inside was a doll, but... It looked like a human from the details. It was strange... I rarely recive packages... And, I don't have any friends at highschool, anyway, I lived in Walton, Liverpool

The skin of the doll was pale, her black eyes matching her hair, which behind it was pastel green. She had short straight hair, her bangs had a bit of volume and was parted from her by her line in the middle.

On her face you could see bruises on her forehead and cheeks, with dark circles, she had... The corners of her mouth were cut, a clean cut, but sewn together by a red thread. There was also this clean cut around her neck with the red thread.

Her dress was; a white short sleeve t-shirt along with white gloves. She had a light brown bow on her head and underneath green, the same color as her hair. A overall with a light brown skirt too, her shoes were black with a strap that held her foot, some similar to the Mary Janes.

It did not put the name of who was the one who sent them, nor the address, only my name with the doll inside the package. That doll gave me a bad feeling... She had a human face... But it was straight, like a death look... So I left her on a shelf and didn't give it much importance.

That night I began to hear strange things about that room, I did not give it much importance. But every day the noises were more annoying, so I went to look... I couldn't believe it. The doll was normal size, about 1'60 or so and had bloody scissors, she turned to me and when I looked at the floor, there were several teenagers on the floor with too much blood, I was gagging. In my mind I heard; "Well... Same... Victim... Them..?" in a dark whispered voice. Was she trying to communicate with me? What was she trying to say..?

I began to dream of the vision of the doll, sometimes how they beat her or other times how they cut the corners and neck and sewed them up. The vision of those people was blurred, I could not see their faces. One of my dreams, was a bit strange, you could see her... Human... Yeah, human, not a doll, death. But also, when they did the doll, they also said "The doll is possessed by its soul... It's going to come for us... We'll have to send it to someone... Far from here... How about the "NERD"?" The "NERD"?! Is that supposed to be me?! I couldn't belive it... I was so mad... I only wanted to sleep more and forget those negative comments towards how I really am.

Months later the doll disappeared, leaving me a piece of paper, in it there was a drawing of scissors with drops of blood and he wrote "Because of my corners and that my mouth is sewn up I cannot speak... So tell them that I exist to all... And say this message for me... Do not treat people badly, otherwise, you will end up paying double... I tried to communicate with you by your mind, but... I only can talk words and not phrases..." The paper ended...

I have the feeling that I will see her again..

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