Rosegold-This Rose Has Thorns

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By: Emquake

A long time ago, there lived a girl, A girl who was pretty well known in her town. Annalise AverGreen. Annalise or Annie was a frail and shy girl who lived under a strictly religious household in a wealthy neighborhood. Her father Stefan was a famous business man, everyone in town knows about the AverGreens, even though it was only a father and his daughter. Stefan's wife sadly passed away right after Annalise was born and never remarried and stayed a widow. Stefan missed his wife dearly, his daughter had the same alluring features as like her mother. Fair skin, long wavy brown hair cascaded down her back, a slim and feminine physique, and big blue eyes with hints of green in the middle. Out of all her features, her eyes were the most alike from her mother's. Every time Stefan looked into her eyes, he sees his beautiful wife. Stefan would help her in anyway he can. She struggled communicating with other kids and she would sometimes ignore them. So Stefan had the idea that Annalise would try new things, just to get out of her comfort zone. Annalise loved ballet, singing, drawing and also played piano. She would always dress in neat clothing and was never spoiled. Sure her father was rich, but she didn't care about how rich they were. Annalise was a kind hearted and lovely little girl, until she started high school...

Nonstop gossip and rumors were spreading like wildfire due to Annie's childhood friend, or... her former friend. Adrian was what you might call, a delinquent who does illegal activities. Smoking, drinking, shop lifting etc. Annalise knew Adrian since they were five but ever since middle school Adrian has changed. Whenever Adrian and Annalise are alone, he would humiliate her and even sometimes physically hurt her. He was never like this, they knew each other since they were five years old. His father was working as a butler at her manner and he brought Adrian over one day. He started behaving differently when they were finishing middle school, it started with skipping school and then he started hurting the other students. Things just kept getting worse, to the point Annalise would try keeping a safe distance from him. Little did she know Adrian was more than just a dangerous person.

At school, Annalise grabbed her lunch and headed to the courtyard. She found a nice shady spot and began to eat. After she was done as she was about to leave, she felt this strange feeling, a slight burning sensation at the pit of her stomach feeling uneasy. She looked around and saw Adrian, hiding behind a tree, looking right at her. Annalise looked away from Adrian's direction confused. She looked back at Adrian's direction, but he was gone. Annalise sighed in relief.  "You're just overreacting Annalise, he's not starring at you, just ignore him and go on with your day," she calmly said to herself as she got up and left. But throughout the rest of the day she felt like she was still being watched.

"Ms AverGreen!"

Annalise flinched at the teacher's abrupt voice. Her face felt like lava as she went back to concentrating. "S-Sorry sir, I just-,"

"I do not want to hear excuses Ms AverGreen now pay attention!" He barked rather harshly and impatient. Muffled chatter and laughter filled the room, eyes burned deep in the back of her head as she lowered her head. The teacher quieted everyone down and continued teaching.

Later that night, Annalise and Stefan were eating dinner. Annalise barely touching her plate, Stefan noticed as he dabbed his napkin on his stubbled face. "Sweetie, are you feeling alright? Why aren't you eating?"

"I'm... just not hungry..." she picked at the tofu with her fork as a frown laid upon her face. She lifted her head to gaze into her father's eyes, his dark green globes glistened with trust and love.  "Um.... Father?"

"Yes Annie?"

"Something happened during lunch today and I can't stop thinking about it."

"Oh? Well, you know you can tell me anything sweetheart, if anything's bothering you, you know you can come and talk to me right?"

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