Chapter 1

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 Authors Note:

Hi everyone, it's been awhile since I last wrote a ff. I want to apologise for my english in advance, it's not my first language. I've come to really enjoy writing stories, so I guess I'm mainly doing this for me. Hope you enjoy! <3


A boy you'd think the world revolves around. I'm not even exaggerating if I say that that's what I'm seeing right now. He's dressed in a white tee, black pants and a black sweat jacket, on top of that a sunglasses, that tug his hair back as if they were ment to be there. Everything about him feels like it was ment to be there just for him. A small smile plays around his mouth and his deep brown eyes are the most gorgeous ones I've ever seen. They have a certain shine that makes me get lost in them.

If I'm being honest I've never seen anyone so beautiful in my entire life. I never really felt attracted to anyone in my entire life.  I think I'm starting to understand the saying 'swept of your feet' because if I were walking I sure would have fallen. My knees feel dangerously weak.

And he is walking right in my direction....

Oh, I forgot to introduce myself.

Hi, I'm First. There's not much to say about me, just that I'm 21 years old and I'm currently working in a cafe. I'm still not sure what to actually do with my life, but I really enjoy working in the cafe eventhough it's just a part-time job.

"Are you still open?"

"Huh, oh y..yes.." a blurted out, that's a lie, we closed half an hour ago..

"Oh great I was worried I'd be too late"

I got out of my seat and slowly made my way behind the counter, unsure if I was able to walk. I looked up to see him smile, I swear if hadn't put both my hands on the counter I'd be laying on the floor right now.

I take a few deep breaths and clear my throat "What can I get for you?"

Am I imagining things or did his smile just get a little brighter, he seems a little amused.

"One Iced Americano please." "Sure, anything else?" he kept eye contact all the time and I know he could see he was making me nervous and he seemied to enjoy it.

I walk over to the already cleaned machines and got on making his order. In my head I could hear him repeating what he said, my thoughts were running, even his voice sounds attractive. It has a deep touch to it and i couldn't help imagining him calling my name... 'Get it together First!', I shake my head.

I place the order infront of him, "That'll be 4,99 please" he hands me the money and takes his coffee, he turns to leave. Would you believe me if I say that he even looks good from the back. He turns around and I hurryingly look aways, feeling like I got caught, he let's out a small chuckele and turns back to leave.

Will I be able to see him again?

FirstKhao: In just a momentNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ