Twenty-Three: Determination

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A low hum rang through the manor, inching into every corner and curling itself into your ears

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A low hum rang through the manor, inching into every corner and curling itself into your ears. Your eyes fluttered open at the sensation, meeting the golden light of the sunrise that seeped through the open curtains to grace the bed you slept in. You were warm and peaceful, yet the arms that you had fallen asleep in the night before - that had wrapped themselves around you to keep you safe even as you dreamt - were nowhere to be found. You sat up in bed, just as the hum grew louder, and you were able to make out individual voices as they floated up to your bedroom window from the grounds outside.

There Lucien stood, looking like a dream himself against the backdrop of green from your bedroom walls, golden-skinned, toned chest on show, hair in loose waves around his face as he stared out of the window. His golden eye whirled as it ran over the grounds outside.

"What is it?" You asked, voice groggy from sleep. Lucien barely startled at the intrusion of your voice into the silence.

"The sentries," Lucien said, his tone thoughtful. "They're all here."

You frowned, tucking the sheet around your body and moving to stand beside him at the window. The sunlight was bright against your tired eyes, but as your vision grew used to it, you found that Lucien was right. The grounds of the Spring Manor were as green and fresh as any other day, except that they were blanketed in the bodies of people milling about, wandering and chatting. Each one of them wore the familiar gold and green of the Spring Court sentinels - an army waiting for command.

"Is something happening that we don't know about?" You asked quietly, just as Lucien's hand came to rest at the small of your back. You blinked up at him; his face was grave.

"I don't know can't be good."

A knock sounded at the door then, and both you and Lucien spun on your heels as it opened slowly and Alis entered, a breakfast tray in her hands. Her eyes snapped from you to Lucien and then back again, and whilst her face noted disapproval, her eyes glinted in amusement.

"I wasn't sure if I would find you in here, or in Master Lucien's room," Alis remarked, and you winced; you thought you'd done such a good job at sneaking back to your own room each morning that Alis hadn't noticed. Apparently you were wrong. She placed the tray on the bed, the tea still steaming from the teapot.

"What's going on outside, Alis?" You asked, not even glancing at the breakfast tray. Alis' lips went thin, and she turned to Lucien, face paler than usual, even with her birch bark skin.

"Perhaps you should go and find Lord Tamlin," she told him, voice wavering ever-so-slightly. "There are...rumours, downstairs amongst the servants."

"What kind of rumours?" Lucien asked, cocking his head and narrowing his eyes. Alis bit her bottom lip, hands wringing together at her front.

"Just...Just go and find Lord Tamlin."

It didn't take long for you to dress that morning - one of Lucien's old tunics thrown over your head, large enough on you that it might as well have been a dress, and a pair of leggings - and Alis made quick work of plaiting and braiding your hair out of your eyes. A belt was wrapped around your waist, and a pair of heavy boots were pulled onto your feet, and by the time you were ready to go, leaving a rather nervous and jittery Alis behind in your room, Lucien was already waiting for you in the hallway. He extended an arm, and guided you down the stairs, through the foyer, and out into the chaos that awaited outside.

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