Chapter Three

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Quackity, George and Tubbo all returned home, they were greeted by their dad Ponk, "Hello guys, how was the tour of your new school?" He asked his sons but he didn't get a response. Quackity and George walked upstairs to their rooms.

Ponk sighed and looked down at his youngest son, "How was school buddy?" Ponk asked, the mute boy began to cry, he dropped his bee plushie and pulled out his broken pen to show his dad. Ponk's red eyes widened and anger ran through his blood. "Quackity and George Notfound! Get down here NOW!" Ponk yelled.

Tubbo covered his ears, Ponk told Tubbo to sit on the couch, Quackity and George got downstairs and sat on the couch, they all looked at the ground. Ponk picked up Tubbo's bee plushie and handed it to Tubbo who smiled and hugged it "What. Happened." Ponk hissed at his two older sons.

"Tubbo, cover your ears." George said quietly, their dad raised an eyebrow and watched Tubbo cover his ears. "Some fucking bitch at school broke Tubbo's pen after she pushed him to the ground." Quackity hissed, he was still pissed. Ponk looked down at his sons his red eyes began to glow with anger. "What?" George sighed "It's true, he was hanging out with his new friend Tommy and Ranboo was there as well." Ponk chuckled a bit.

He said that his sons were dismissed and the three of them all went into Quackity's room to play the switch, Ponk looked at the pen and sighed, he walked over to the house phone and called Puffy, Puffy is Dream and Ranboo's aunt, she looks after them because their parents couldn't give a fuck about their children. Puffy took them.

The phone ringed and soon a female voice answer "Hello?" She asked, "Hello Puffy, I need to talk you about something." Ponk said and Puffy only listened her eyes widened in disbelief.

"Thank you Ponk, I'll talk with Ranboo and Dream" she said and Ponk hung up the phone, he walked over to the kitchen and began making dinner for his family.
When Wilbur and his family got home, he rushed into the house and down the hallway and into his room to start thinking of a plan. A plan so evil that it would shock the whole nation.

Wilbur made sure his door was locked and sat down at his desk, he began to write everything down on a piece of paper, yes he knows that writing it down was stupid but he was going to burn the paper with Sally's body.

Wilbur was soon called down for dinner, he put all of his plans away so no one in his family could find them and report him to the police for murder, he walked out of his room closing the door behind him and walked down the hallway, he noticed the food sitting on the table and his father and two brothers were already eating, Tommy was trying to talk with his mouth full and Techno would always groan in disgust.

Phil tried to get Tommy to stop but he continued "Oh-Hey Will!" Tommy yelled, Wilbur chuckled a bit and walked over to the family table and sat down.

The family enjoyed their food and now it was time for bed, Wilbur finished his shower and brushed his teeth. He laid awake in bed and waited for his father to finish off cleaning.

All lights were turned off, Wilbur smirked now it was time to set his plan into motion.
The cold morning breeze seep through the slightly opened window. Three males all curled up on one bed, a raven haired male, a dark haired brunette and a light haired brunette.

The father, walked into the room trying to be quiet as possible because if he's to loud it wake Tubbo up with a horrible headache, he smiled at he saw his sons curled up with each other. He pulled out his phone and took a couple of photos before lightly telling the boys to wake up.

Tubbo was the first awake, he saw his father and smiled at him, he carefully moved around his brothers who were still waking up and rushed over to hug his father, "Hey buddy, how are you?" Sam asked. "Shake you head up and down for 'good' and left and right for 'bad'" Tubbo shock his head up and down.

Sam was told by his husband what had happened and reach out to Tubbo's real father to see if he would be able to fix the pen. But Tubbo's real mother picked up the phone and said that she didn't know where he was because he walked out on her after he found out that she up his son up for adoption.

"Tubbo! Your breakfast is ready!" Ponk yelled from downstairs, Tubbo let go of his father and rushed downstairs, "I know you two don't want to go to school, but please do for Tubbo and your dad and I." Sam smiled as he saw his two twins sons get out of bed.

The walked over and hugged him "Are you guys going to be okay?" The twins looked at each other before nodding.

"Alrighty boys! Your breakfast is ready! Come get if before I give it to Karl and Sapnap!" Ponk yelled, George and Quackity quickly let go of their father and rushed downstairs.

Once the twins were down they saw their two best friends waiting for them and enjoying some food that the twins dad made for them.

"Hey Q, Hey Gogy." Sapnap said, Karl was talking with Tubbo, Karl decide to give him one of his pens "Here, you can use my pen." It was a bee pen that Tubbo had given Karl years ago after Karl had lost his pen.

Tubbo smiled and grabbed a piece of paper and used the pen to thank Karl.

"Oh, hey guys. You guys ready for school?" Karl asked. Sap and Karl chuckled as they were yelled at but the twins.
Soon everyone arrived at school but something in the atmosphere felt different, everyone was scared and shocked. A group of girls were crying.

The group which contained, the twins: George and Quackity, the couple: Sapnap and Karl, and the youngest: Tubbo.

All looked at the tv that was playing the morning news and to their horror there was a new murder out on the loose and that Sally Fisher was it's first victim. The group got some weird stares from the girl group but they pushed the aside. "Hey, how about he go outside for a bit." George asked. He noticed that Tubbo was becoming a little stressed.

The group walked outside and notice that there was, Techno and Ranboo seating down at a table underneath a shady tree talking about the murder, Wilbur sat underneath the tree his back press up against it, Dream and Tommy were next to the table throwing a football to each other.

Dream noticed his boyfriend and his friends and waved them over, Wilbur looked up and noticed that there was a dark brunette and another raven haired male talking to the short raven haired male that he fell in love with. But his jealousy soon seeped away after seen the raven haired male roll his eyes as the two other boys gave each other a quick kiss.

The group sat down or went te throw the football with Tommy and Dream. Wilbur watched as the wind blew Quackity's hair was pushed away showing of more of his beautiful face.

He smiled than he looked away and began to slowly strum his guitar and lightly hum to the sound, he quickly pulled out his note book and wrote down the cords and the tunes that were stuck in his head, he had been trying to come up with a new song and now he finally got one.

Quackity heard the the song and looked down at Wilbur who was calmly writing down in his notebook then back to strumming his guitar.

The shorter raven haired male smiled and walked over to Wilbur, he sat down next to the taller male and listen to Wilbur play his guitar.

"How are you?" Wilbur asked the raven haired male "I guess I'm alright, just didn't except to find out that Sally was murdered." Wilbur nodded "I now, but she had it coming, she's always been a bitch." Wilbur explained to Quackity about all the bad things that Sally has done.

"Wow, that's a lot." Wilbur nodded his head "Are you in a band?" Quackity asked "Yeah, we have played some concerts before." Quackity smiled at Wilbur "Maybe I'll show up to one when you get another concert." Wilbur smiled at Quackity.

The sun beamed down on Quackity's face making his beautiful face light up "You look beautiful." Wilbur said, he realised that he said it out loud, Quackity giggled "You don't look to bad yourself Will." Wilbur's face began to heat up.

The group all talked until the bell went for first class, "Hey, why don't we meet out here for lunch?" Tommy said and the group agreed.
Hello, I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I love you guys so much:)

Take care of yourselves, CQuackthree out.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 24, 2023 ⏰

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