Chapter 10: Madeline

Start from the beginning

"Nope, complete surprise," She replied, biting her bottom lip. "I—I just want you to know, again, that I don't think this can lead to anything. I'm not ready to be in a relationship."

What she really meant was she wasn't ready to be in a relationship with someone who wasn't her soul mate.

Jensen leaned into the table, "I know. I'm not here for a date actually. I'm here to talk to you about your soul mates."

Her eyebrows rose in surprise, "W—what?"

"You told me you have complications with your soul mates," He started, staring deeply into her eyes. "Well, I think I know something that could help you."

Madeline squinted her eyes skeptically. She wanted to trust Jensen but she didn't know him very well. "Okay..." She dragged out slowly. "So, what exactly are you proposing?"

Jensen took a swig of his drink before he answered. "Well, since this university is one of the leading places for soul mates research, there is currently a study on stopping any type of soul bond."

Madeline's breath hitched. She couldn't believe what she was hearing. Sure, she knew there were clinical studies happening around the world on soul bonds—including preventing one. But, for one to be in Minnesota, was pure luck.

She couldn't help but show her interest. "What do these trials entail?"

"Well, there's a drug that can stop the soul bond—stop you from feeling your soul mate if they are around. Whilst it can't make you forget them, it can at least alleviate the push to be with them." He explained, circling his finger around the rim of the glass.

Madeline stewed in his words for a moment. Drugs could be dangerous but she assumed they had tested it before they dished it out to humans. If it really worked, perhaps she would stop feeling so heavy in the heart. Maybe she could feel the way she felt before she turned eighteen.

Her heart clenched nervously at the thought of blocking the soul bond. Her body didn't want that at all. The mere thought of it sent her heart racing.

That was why she had to stop the bond. Even if it meant there would be risks.

"Why type of people are they looking for?" She wondered, hoping she'd fit the criteria.

"Anybody who has a soul mate that they don't want to meet. The one crucial rule is that they have to be certain that is what they want. Taking the drug can have permanent damaging effects on the soul bond." Jensen told her, reciting the words as if he was reading them off a pamphlet.

Sucking in a breath, she pretended to be thinking about it. In reality, she already knew what she wanted to do. She was going to take those pills and pray that her life went back to normal.

After a minute of sitting in silence, Madeline crossed one leg over the other, "I'll do it." She declared, confidently.

Jensen nodded his head, "Cool, I'll let them know. You might be able to meet with one of the lead researchers tomorrow if I tell them in the next hour."

Relief coursed through her body. She might finally have a chance to forget about BTS.

It was then that her cell phone rang. Excusing herself, she looked at the screen, not at all shocked to see Freya's name pop up. Sighing, she reluctantly answered the phone.

"Hey," She greeted, jabbing a finger into her free ear to hear better.

"Something crazy just happened, Madi. You'll never believe it. I just got an email from—" Before she could finish speaking, Madeline's cell phone died. She pulled the phone away from her ear and stared at the screen in confusion. Freya's voice sounded urgent but also ecstatic. What was her news?

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