Thankfully I have makeup on my purse and try and fix it the best I can. I apply some concealer under my eyes to fix the bit that is smeared and reapply some mascara. I apply powder under my eyes to ensure it doesn't look messy. I apply some more eyeshadow and mascara. Then lastly I apply some lipgloss. I quickly put my stuff away and grab my guitar case.

Once I make it to the venue I make my way to Shane. He doesn't say anything and just focuses his attention on the line of other guitarists waiting to audition.

"Okay let's get started shall we" I bring my attention to the stage where Harry was standing. "If I can have all the guitarists please come onto the stage" I then see a bunch of people file up the stairs to the stage.

I make my way to the stage and am standing next to a bunch of guys, surprisingly I am the only girl here. I thought there would be a lot of girls here due to the fact that it's One Direction. I thought all the girls would jump at the opportunity to see them in real life, guess I was wrong.

Harry walks around the stage and hands everyone a lanyard with a number on it, I look down at my number 6.

"Okay so these are your numbers, when we call your number you come up and play. After everyone plays we will have everyone come back on stage, we will then call numbers and if your number is called then you are going to do a song that we give you right then and there to see how quickly you can learn a song. Then after that, we will pick the best player for our band" He continues to hand out the lanyards.

This whole situation is bringing me to have the worst anxiety ever. Having to play in front of people in a venue is something I never thought I would do. But there is always a first for everything.

"Okay number 1 let's get started. The rest of you guys can take a seat" A guy with a mullet stays on the stage while I go take my seat next to Shane.

Shane is on this phone playing some kind of game, I try to not pay too much attention to him. I feel my heart pounding in my chest. I want this to be over with.

I've been waiting for what feels like forever. "Number 6" I stand up and grab my guitar.

"Here comes the funny part," Shane said finally putting his phone down. I just shake my head slightly and walk toward the stage.

"Hey, Mackenzie we just need you to say your full name and age then you begin" Harry looked at me. To the left of him were four boys. Niall, Liam, Louis, and Zayn. I did my research yesterday, it's been years since I knew about them so might as well make sure I have my stuff down.

"I'm Mackenzie Taylor 21 years old," Harry writes it down and then looks back at me. I put my guitar strap over me and make sure it was in tune.

I start playing.

I look down at my feet rather than at the boys, my anxiety is so bad I don't want to sike myself out. My fingers strum through the cords effortlessly. I continue to take deep breaths.

I finally find the courage and look up at the boys, they seem, impressed.

I then look at Shane he's just glaring at me. No thoughts in his mind. I take a deep breath and try to focus on the task at hand.

This song is very easy to play but it's just the fact if I make one mistake I can ruin my shot.

People before me made mistakes somewhere in their process.

Mackenzie focus, stop thinking like that.

I take a deep breath and continue the last few cords I have to do. I bring my attention back to the ground. I keep my breathing steady and focus on the cords.

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