389. Finishing the Examination; Yuan Shaoqi's Identity

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The Blessed Chapter 389

At around four in the afternoon, Ling Jingxuan and others directly drove the carriage to the examination place to pick up Ling Jinghan. Like when they came in the morning, outside the place was gathering a lot of people. But no one dared to speak loudly. At about fifteen to five, the old assistant of the magistrate showed up again. Along with a sound of knocking a gong, people waiting outside all craned their necks to look inside.

"They are out...They are out..."

Suddenly someone called out, all people's eyes looked over at the exit of the examination room. As expected, they saw a slim, slender, white and handsome student carrying a bamboo basket walking out.

"Second uncle, here, we are here..."

The first one out was no other else but Ling Jinghan. The little buns who had sharp eyes waved their hands at him excitedly. Ling Wu already elbowed through the crowd and threw himself over to hold his thigh, "Second uncle, I missed you so much! Are you tired? Daddy said you must be tired after a whole day's exams. I'll give you a massage after going home, OK? Daddy taught me how to do massage. Grandpa and grandma both said it's comfortable."

"Great. I happen to feel stiff all over. Sorry to trouble you then, our little Wu."

After handing the basket to his younger brother who came behind, Ling Jinghan held him up.

Then Ling Wen also came with Tiewa. He pulled the lower hem of Ling Jinghan's robes while looking up at his younger brother, "Xiaowu, get down! Uncle Han is already tired enough. Holding you will make him more tired."

"Oh, OK."

Hearing that, before Ling Jinghan could say anything, with a struggle, Ling Wu slipped down already. Instead, he held his hand. Ling Jinghan couldn't help smiling. Then holding them on both sides, he walked toward Ling Jingxuan and Yan Shengrui. Seeing that extra Yan Shaoqi behind, his eyes flickered, but he didn't say anything. After a nod at him, he calmly turned to face Ling Jingxuan and others.

People around all threw their jealous eyes at this whole harmonious family, then craned their necks to stare at the exit again. At this time, those examinees all filed out, most of whom were carrying a basket. And outside the examination place, people began to speak loudly, all kinds of sounds overlapped together. Ling Jingxuan who meant to say something could only turn around to leave. All of them then crawled onto the two carriages one after another.

"You look confident. Should have done well, right?"

Inside the carriage, Ling Jingxuan broke the silence in the first place.

"Hmm, I think it's not bad. If everything goes well, I think I will be listed."

Having studied so hard over ten years, because of his illness, this was the first time he took the examination for the tongsheng title. Now, holding the two little buns, Ling Jinghan was showing some sharp light in the eyes, with a confident smile hanging on his face.

"You can do it! We'll know the result in three days."

Ling Jingpeng's eyebrows also danced. If it had been half a year ago, no one could ever imagine even someone who had been ill in bed for so many years and may leave this world at any minute could take a whole day's examination.

"I think it's not merely getting listed."

With a faint sweep of Ling Jinghan, Yan Shengrui said. Judging from his confident look, he should be aiming at the first place!

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