376. Lessoned by His Son Again (1)

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The Blessed Chapter 376

Datong Town, Cangzhou

“Brother Zhang, ignore him. Just take him as air. I come today mainly to talk about the mushrooms purchasing thing.”

In case that Shopkeeper Zhang was too concentrated on Yan Shengrui and made the atmosphere in the room to weird, Ling Jingxuan stopped those little talks and went straight to the point. After this, he still wanted to go to Guarantor Liu’s place to take a look and see if there was any suitable old mama. Seen from the current situation, he’d have to take the kids to the capital next year the latest. Before that, he planned to make everything well arranged, in case that he even couldn’t find his home when he came back some day.

Of course, it was not that he didn’t believe in Jingpeng’s ability. To run this family, there should be no problem. What he was worried was his parents. Although Lady Wang was a lot tougher than before, when facing her families, she’d soften her heart and that was inevitable. Needless to say Ling Chenglong. Finally they had come to this step, he would never them to get involved in those rights and wrongs of the old Ling family. As for the Wang family, they could lend a hand when necessary, but should never spoil them and give them whatever they asked for, in case that someday they’d turn hostile and he had to clean the mess. Talk about the worst situation at first was the foundation of a long term relation, otherwise, sooner or later, it’d only raise conflicts.

“Ah? Oh oh, just now you kept saying the acquisition thing. Are you planning to take people to the mountains to pick in large amount?”

After throwing a timid peep at Yan Shengrui did Shopkeeper Zhang turned to Ling Jingxuan, and his trembling voice sounded a little calmer. As Ling Jingxuan threw Ling Jingpeng a look, the latter took out a baby-fist size white tender mushroom from the bamboo basket, “Brother Zhang, check this out. See if it meets your purchasing standard.”

Having worked under Ling Jingxuan for a long time, Ling Jingpeng gradually had a businessman’s posture, knowing to how far to go and when to stop. The material object was the most persuasive, too much talk was pointless.

“Well…The umbrella surface is not contaminated with too much soil, the whole mushroom shape is very perfect, without any damage, the unique fragrance is very strong, I can still smell it without moving too close. Apparently it’s top grade. You really put a lot of heart in it when picking.”

Checking it carefully, Shopkeeper Zhang couldn’t help give his thumbs-up to them. Usually, quantity purchasing goods were mostly not that good, either stained with a large number of mud or having damages, but even so, he could seldom purchase a lot. And only those branches in the prefectures had related dishes for sale, while branches in towns like them, don’t even think about it.

“Hehe…Brother Zhang, we didn’t pick them up from the mountains. It has cost my big brother a few months to cultivate. You can see our factories. Factory Number One is full of mushrooms. Those new ones Brother Zhao and others are losing no time to cultivate in number two and other newly-built factors would go to the market before the Spring Festival. By then, we still count on you to sell them to other branches in Cangzhou.”

Ling Jingpeng smiled. After exchange an eye contact with his big brother, he said both confidently and politely. Seeing that he said quite well, Ling Jingxuan kept silent, and would like him to practice more, at least Shopkeeper Zhang wouldn’t set him up or what.

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Shopkeeper Zhang popped out his eyes. The price of mushrooms was even higher than pork. They could even grow themselves? Wouldn’t it be too cool?

“But, we don’t grow much this year. Maybe only enough for the branches in Cangzhou and Yunzhou. Next year, we plan to build factories in each prefecture to grow and process mushrooms.”

As he had long heard from his big brother that mushrooms usually mass propagated in damp and cool environment. So, they could only grow them in half a year at most. But they also didn’t need to worry they wouldn’t sell. Fresh ones couldn’t be reserved for long. But dries ones could preserve for a few years. So they had already planned to grow them in large amount every year. If they couldn’t sell all of them, they could dry the left ones, and in summer, they could make them into mushroom paste. Then, they’d have business to do all the year round.

“That’s already good enough. Jingxuan, Jingpeng, I never expected you two brothers are so capable. If the mushrooms could be launched in all our branches, Xinyuan’s performance would double or even triple. As the second boss, you’d be super rich!”

Totally not doubting the authenticity of their words, Shopkeeper Zhang sincerely said so. Not long ago, he received a letter to nominate him as the general shopkeeper of whole Cangzhou, which was all the credit of Ling Jingxuan, so he was grateful to him from the bottom of his heart.

“Really? How much silver would that be?”

On hearing the word silver, Ling Wen who had matured a lot asked before Ling Jingxuan could say anything, two big round eyes beaming. Although he didn’t lack of money now, for last time he and Ling Wu lent a thousand taels to his daddy each and daddy repaid them three thousand taels and he could be called a little landlord, on hearing anything about money, he still couldn’t help feel excited, only wishing that he could bury himself in money.

“Huh? Haha…you little kid, that is not a number you can count. But by then, I’m afraid you’d be the richest family in whole Datong town.”

Chapter end

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