327. The Wedding (5) Had Someone Behind the Back; Those Things Before (2)

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The Blessed Chapter 327

How many years? Zeng Shaoqing already couldn’t remember how many years he didn’t call his name directly, now for a Ling Jingxuan, he even called his full name! He couldn’t find any trace of joking from that pair of cold eyes, which meant that he was serious. His fox eyes couldn’t help turning onto Ling Jingxuan’s body. What did he have to deserve such a man who had ever sworn that he would never get married?

Not only him, even Chu Yunhan and his son who had been used to this were shocked. Before, Yan Shengrui was in the state of having lost his memories, so however immoral he was, they could accept it. But now, apparently he had regained his memories, his attitude towards Ling Jingxuan didn’t change a bit, instead, it became even more dense!

Under such a condition, the only one who could smile was Ling Jingxuan. Before, he had been worried Yan Shengrui might deny their relationship after he remembered everything, or even erased those memories in here. In medical history, there was such cases. But seen from now, he had been worried for nothing. He was still him and hadn’t changed a bit.

“Fine, I apologize, OK?”

Zeng Shaoqing had to straighten his neck and turned to Ling Jingxuan, “Sorry, sister-in-law, I was too impulsive, if you have a problem, maybe you can beat me back?”

Never get married? Yan Shengrui was a total wife-con! If he didn’t see it with his eyes, he would never believe it even if you kill him!

“Forget about it. Just remember you owe me one.”

Unexpectedly, instead of feeling grateful, Ling Jingxuan took the opportunity to checkmate him, one should know a promise from Lord Six was much worthier than a mere punch. Now that he punched Ling Jingxuan, how could Ling Jingxuan ever let him go so easily?

“Yes, sister-in-law, you decide.”

Ceng Shaoqing gashed his teeth while staring at him, no wonder Yan Shengrui would have fallen for him, those two people are birds of a feather!

“That day, I received news from the boarders and knew that my imperial sister-in-law and Qi were quite possible to be in Cangzhou. In cause others found them first, I rushed back quietly. And on the way, I met quite a few groups of assassins. During the right, I got into the Yuehua Mountain, and went through the place and came here, and happened to bump into a she-wolf who had just laid birth and was looking for food. After badly wounding it, I also fell down the cliff. Fortunately Jingxuan saved me. After I woke up, I forgot everything, so o decided to stay in here. During this period of time, I often occasionally remembered some things, but always couldn’t remember those crucial things. Until just now, the last piece of memory jigsaw is completed, and I also regained all my memories in an instant.”

After getting the result he wanted, Yan Shengrui stopped wasting time and simply told him what had happened before and after he lost his memory.

“Assassins? From those little kids?”

Zeng Shaoqing swept away his precious ass-pain expression and looked over at him, frowning. Through the whole Qing Kingdom, except the emperor, only those little kids wanted and had the balls to kill him, right?

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“I guess so.”
But perhaps there was more to it than that. Through the whole world today, there were very few people who can match him in martial arts, while those people can hurt him, it was clear that the people who hired them must have a bigger background.

“I heard the one in the palace is in poor health. At the boarders has my father and big brother. Since you have regained your memories, you should go back to the capital. It’s not something good that you have been away for so long. What if one of those little things grab the throne? The first one he wants to eliminate should be you.”

Of course Zeng Shaoqing could expect what Yan Shengrui could, in and out of his words was dense concerns. But Yan Shengrui still played with Ling Jingxuan’s hand, making a confident and domineering smile, “No rush. Everything is in my control. Even if one of them really takes that position, he will never oppose me openly.”

That pair of black eyes was like carrying the universe, so deep as if they had no bottom, his confidence came from his power, calm, domineering and poised, who can easily put anything under control at any time, as long as he didn’t nod, no one could be seated in the throne.

Seeing such an arbitrary and careless him, Zeng Shaoqing silently sighed, “As long as you know what you are doing. Oh right, what about those two kids just now? I guess they are about four or five years old, right? When did you give birth to them?”

He wouldn’t believe it if someone told him they were not Yan Shengrui’s ‘seeds’. They were so much alike!

“Do you still remember that thing more than five years ago?”

Speaking of that thing, Yan Shengrui’s eyes darkened, his eyes swept over at Ling Jingxuan. He had never expected that accident five years ago could get him pregnant. And he even had raised them up! Damn it! As long as he recalled those five years, he felt so sorry for him. If he had brought him back ignoring the dangerous situation at the time, he wouldn’t have lived so miserably, right?”

“You mean…”

Hearing him, Zeng Shaoqing also remembered it. Five years ago, the position of the empress suddenly got vacant. So those families who had offered their daughters into the palace did everything they could for the title. Like the number duke’s mansion, Yan Shengrui who had hurried back from the boarders also supported the abolished empress to restore the position. So those big families united together to target at him. At the time, someone from Yan Shengrui’s personal guards betrayed him. And he got drugged with some kind of strong aphrodisiac, meanwhile, those people were hunting him down behind. When they found him, the ‘antidote’ was lying aside, no one could tell whether he was still living. Before leaving, he ordered his subordinate to feed him the contraception soup. Then, no one would mention that thing, so they also no longer put it in the heart. Could it be…Ling Jingxuan was that ‘antidote’? But it was true that he had fed him the contraception soup! Why would he still have given birth to two children?

Chapter end

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