378. Business; Plan for the Honeymoon (1)

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The Blessed Chapter 378

“Brother Zhang, is it really worth fifty copper coins one jin? What about the dried ones?”

Seeing that the father and son were almost over, Ling Jingxuan quietly switched the topic back. Apparently his big brother meant to leave everything to him. So only if he did well could he make him feel eased.

“What nonsense are you talking about? There are even not enough fresh mushrooms to sell. Why make dried mushrooms? But if you really have dried mushrooms, at least 500 copper coins for one jin, and if it is in the hot summer when you basically can not find any mushrooms, I am afraid the price will only be higher.”

Hearing that, Shopkeeper Zhang looked at him like looking at a monster, but instantly realized that they were living in the countryside and knew nothing about the marketing thing, so he tried to explain it to them. Mushrooms could be said to be one of the most popular food in the market. Although it’d grow a lot in autumn and winter and after rain in spring and summer, but few people dare to pick them. So few flowed into the market. Needless to say the hot summer. If there were really dried mushrooms for sale, maybe those restaurants and big families would all fight for them!

“I see, fresh mushrooms can only be kept for three days at most, if on a horse at full speed, we could basically reach all those 120 counties in Cangzhou. Brother Zhang, how many branches does Xinyuan have in whole Cangzhou? And how much jin do they basically need everyday?”

After feeling his chin and thinking for a moment, Ling Jingpeng asked again. Their first crop of mushrooms was ready to be picked, at least ten thousand jin. Apart from what Xinyuan needed, they would wash and dry the rest and sell them next summer. But if so, they’d have to hire a lot of people.

“Xinyuan has the most branches in Cangzhou and Yunzhou, basically has one in each county, and also has branches in those towns like Datong that has developed waterway. In whole Cangzhou, I remember it’s 150 or so. But I am not quite clear about the daily consumption. After all, only the branches in those prefectures have ever sold launched mushroom dishes. You know, in winter, there aren’t many kinds of vegetables to choose. So, I guess thirty to fifty jin at most.”

It was a restaurant, not a grocery store, though a lot of types of stock, the number of each kind wasn't big. In the eyes of Shopkeeper Zhang, 30 to 50 jin was already the maximum amount, maybe even not that much.

“Let’s make it thirty jin, then it’s four thousand and five hundred jin for 150 branches. Brother Zhang, couldn’t you please inform the shopkeepers of other branches? If they’d like, they could send a carriage to fetch mushrooms at our place. Let’s say thirty jin for each the first time. You can have a try, then we’ll decide the fixed daily amount. What do you say?”

Obviously he had been quite confident a moment ago. But now in and out of his words still lacked some confidence, after all this was the first time he did such a big business, still a bit overcautious.

“No, make it fifty jin for the first day. Meanwhile, let them launch the hot pot together. Brother Zhang, other branches should also have made the tables and the pots and other stuff, right? Those who can’t launch them on time, fire the shopkeeper. Xinyuan doesn’t need those inefficient ones.”

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Before Shopkeeper Zhang opened his mouth, Ling Jingxuan cut in. When he let someone send the drawing to Shopkeeper Zhang, he had told Shopkeeper Zhang to make some copies of his drawing and send them to the head restaurant in the prefecture and then let the general shopkeeper to hand them out in all branches of Cangzhou and Yunzhou, saying it was their second boss’ order. Now it’d been over ten days. If they were still not prepared, it only showed they took his order as bullsh*t, or they were not capable enough. Be it the former or the latter, he didn’t think there was any need to let them stay.
Before him, Ling Jingxuan had always been so gentle, even though he had seen his tough side for quite a few times. But his bossy side at this moment was different, but Shopkeeper Zhang also couldn’t tell where. Anyway, the smiling he gave him that kind of overwhelming and irresistible feeling, forcing one to bow.

“Brother Zhang, I will count on you about this. I heard that you’d be transferred to work in the prefecture?”

As if to be aware of his prudency and awe, Ling Jingxuan changed his tone and calmly switched the topic. To manage a huge enterprise, some tough means were necessary, but Shopkeeper Zhang was different, he was his benefactor, so he did not want him to be afraid of him.

“Hmm, I received the notice not long ago. I guess I’ll go after the Spring Festival. The new shopkeeper is still in training. It all thanks to you. If it weren’t for the business you brought me, how could such a small shopkeeper in the town like me would have the chance to work in the prefecture?”

Speaking of this, Shopkeeper Zhang also felt quite sentimental. If he had thrown them out, maybe everything would be different now, right? Maybe he had already supported another restaurant to surpass his Xinyuan. At least in Datong, he was never his match. Of course, he had the self-knowledge.

“What are you talking about, Brother Zhang? You earned it through your own effort. But Brother Zhang, I got a favor to ask. If you are in a hurry, can you reject the offer?”

Shopkeeper Zhang was a talent. To let him be a deputy shopkeeper in the prefecture would waste his talent. Although there might be vacancies for the general manager in other prefectures, but when?

“Huh? What do you mean?”

Chapter end

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