306. Sow the Wind and Reap the Whirlwind (1)

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The Blessed Chapter 306

“Ah…no, it was not me, I didn’t kill you, ah…no…”

In the middle of the night, in one of the main rooms of the old Ling family, sharp and painful groans sounded off and on. Ling Qiyun and his wife who had much less sleep at night due to the age problem heard it in the first place. They put on their clothes, crossed the central room and came before Ling Chenghua’s room.

“Knock knock…”

“Chenghua? Chenghua, what’s wrong with you? Open the door! Chenghua…”

The old couple looked at each other, the old lady knocked on the door, at the same time, Ling Jinghong also got up, then candles in the big son and third son’s room got lit up.

“Ah, it’s not me, I didn’t kill you…Get off me…Stop crying…Why would reincarnate in that bi*tch Lady Wang’s womb? You asked for it! Go away…”

In the room, Ling Chenghua, wearing her underclothes, lying in bed, eyes closed, was constantly waving her arms in the air, murmuring that vicious secret only she knew, like the calling outside couldn’t reach her ears at all. But, no one was stupid. Outside the room, Ling Qiyun and others gradually understood from her broken words. Almost in an instant, everyone remembered Lady Wang’s miscarried kid, also her direction with this, and those words Ling Jingxuan said the other day at outside the gate of Yuehua Manor. Seeing that the old man’s face got distorted, the old woman became anxious, only wishing that she could storm in and cover her daughter’s mouth. And the big son and his wife showed some kind of insidious smile. They did nothing. Ling Chenghua confessed it herself! Heaven has eyes!

Ling Jinghong, by contrast, frowned, with undisguised disgust under his eyes, and, the third son Ling Chenghu who had lost his wife and one of his sons because of Ling Jingxuan showed no big mood fluctuations. All his family kept their heads down, no mood swing. If possible, they would no longer interfere in anything about the second son’s family!

“Chenghua, open the door…”

The old woman was so anxious that her knocking on the door became louder and louder, Ling pushed her away and shouted angrily at his two sons and grandchildren, “Bump it open for me!”

At this moment, Ling Qiyun was so angry that he had already lost his head. He had never expected that it was true that her daughter knocked Lady Wang over on purpose. If it hadn’t been for her…how could his second family have divided up the family with them? For heaven sake! Lady Wang was her sister-in-law! The kid in her belly was her nephew/niece! How could she have the heart?

The old man seemed to grow a lot older in an instant, his hand holding the old woman’s hand unconsciously pinched more tightly, while the other hand tightly pressed on the chest, the belated truth completely hit him. At this moment, he also finally remembered the second son and his wife’s filial piety, and a few grandchildren’s good. Deep regret was gnawing his heart.

“No, don’t! My lord! Chenghua is still unmarried. My lord…”

The old woman was like being possessed, until now she was still trying to defend her daughter. Ling Chenghu and Ling Jinghong both didn’t move, but Ling Chengcai rushed forward, “Yes, dad.”


“Ah! Ling Chengcai, what are you doing?”

After all, his was a big man. With a kick, the door opened. At the same time, Ling Chenghua who got woken up by her mother’s yelling got up and came to open the door. Seeing it was Ling Chengcai outside, Ling Chenghua snapped reflectively. Ling Chengcai gave a meaningful smile, slowly moved his body aside, then the super mad Ling Chenghua noticed others’ presence. After seeing the old man’s long face and receiving the old woman’s wink, Ling Chenghua subconsciously shrank her neck, wondering what was going on.

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“Dad, mom, what are you doing here at such late night…”
Forcing out a smile, Ling Chenghua put on her usual mild appearance, saying while leaning over toward the old man.


A huge slap rang suddenly. Ling Chenghua who was talking got a slap in the face, even her head turned sideways due to the big strength, the atmosphere was like frozen. The old man who still maintained his slap gesture had his chest going up and down rapidly. The old woman already forgot to struggle, all eyes fell on her. Ling Chenghua mechanically raised a hand to touch her face, tears kept dropping like a string of beads.

“Why hit me? Dad, what did I do wrong?”

Raising his head, Ling Chenghua sharply asked, no longer that obedient appearance. Until now, she still pretended she knew nothing, totally an injured lamb.

“Why? I even want to strangle you. I thought I am a cut above others since I have read some books. But I even couldn’t tell I got such a vicious daughter! What was wrong with me to believe you didn’t do it on purpose? Lady Wang is your sister-in-law! How could you?”

Pointing at her with his trembling finger, the old man wept bitterly, with only heartache and regret in his eyes. For this devil-like daughter, he threw her best son out of the family! What had he done to deserve this?

“What do you mean?”

Ling Chenghua still didn’t understand what he meant, until the old woman gestured her did she realize what was happening, she tried to quibble stammeringly, “Dad, didn’t you know it? I didn’t do it on purpose. She only has herself to blame for hiding it from all of us. If she told us in advance, how would have ever knocked her over?”

Even now she still did not think she was wrong, but what she didn’t know was in her sleep she had confessed everything.

Chapter end

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