I need a long shower and to will myself to stop thinking about him which only makes my thoughts run crazier.

The man just had to look at me and I was putty in his hand. The feel of those huge manly hands around me was too much and I wasn't okay but I’ve got my pride, I will not cry anymore but it’s making me weak. I sighed as I sat on the toilet to do my business.

I'm not the kind of girl that he can let down and think that everything's okay. I could kick him.

I flush the toilet and stripped out of my three-day-old PJ, I stepped into the shower and worked the tap.

In a little more than half an hour I was scrubbed clean and somewhat revived. I moisturize my skin and missed the structure and schedule I usually thrived on before I allowed Ryon Menture to fuck up my brain. Imagine it was just his fingers and I didn't dare to think what his c*ck could actually do. The man was just sex on legs, even down to his fingertips and he knows the damage he could do.

It was pathetic how these small things had me relishing in self-pity. "What's a girl got to do," I mused knowing this would end in tears. I knew that but I wasn't ready to move on.

Just put yourself out of this misery and swallow your pride, Sibel. I keep telling myself but I shake my head and threw on the pencil jeans and oversize sponge bob tee shirt Keyana had laid out my bed after I slipped on my matching Victoria set.

I applied lip gloss and brush out my hair. I was ready.

"Ready?" Keyana pushed her head through my bedroom door.

I smiled and she rushed in "we're going to have a great time. We're going to get pedicures, manicures, get a nice massage and our brows done, get you in a nice sexy dress... girl we are going to run this town tonight. In no time at all, you'll feel like yourself."

"Let's do it," I said ready to shed this burden on my heart and dead weight on my body.

We slipped into Keyana's Mazda convertible and she shift the car into drive and cruises the few blocks to Jody's one-stop parla.

We both sat in the spa pedicure chair, side by side after the fifteen minutes drive.

Three hours later I was feeling divine after madam Jody worked every knot out of my body. "Girl, you're blessed, if I had known your hands were magical I'd been here long ago," I said and she laughed.

"Make sure you come again and bring all your friends," she said.

"Trust me... even people I don't know I would be telling about your hands," I said pulling over my tee shirt.

"Sure right I'm as loose as a goose," Keyana said rolling her arms and we laugh heading out.

"Final stop, we're going shopping," she clapped her hands and I was ready.

After rummaging through rack after rack I finally settled on a sea-green satin, knee-length dress with a v-neckline. "Yes! Yes!" Keyana cheered excitedly and she walked out in a short black double-layer tulle dress.

"Yes! Your self. I love this on you," I said.

"And I love this on you..." she said as we step back into the dressing room. For the first time in three weeks, I was liberated and smiled and laughed.

"You see that hunk over there," keyana discreetly tilts her head in the direction of two men standing not far away; one holding out two dresses while the other decides.

"It's Rick, the guy from the club," I said turning back towards her trying to hide. I've ignored every one of his texts and denied his calls hoping I wouldn't run into him again.

Desire's & FateDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora