Chapter 6: Fight in the Rain

Start from the beginning

"I'm going to save the kid. Keep them distracted sis." She said quietly. She places a hand on Hinako's shoulder giving her a squeeze of reassurance before turning around and leaving the building.

Before having time to try to explain again, Hinako turned to see Konparu running in her direction before yelling, "If you want a fight, you've got one!"

He grabbed onto the back of Hinako's jacket and started to grapple. "I won't let you get away with this!" He shouted, while starting to spin her around. "I'll beat you so badly, you'll never be able to stand again!" He picks her up trying to slam her onto the ground.

Still wanting to talk some sense into him, Hinako was slow to react, but put her food down before she could be slammed onto the floor.

"I guess I have to do this!" Hinako states to herself with a look of determination. 'I'll have to fight to get through to him. Only until Honoka is done'.

She got into a fighting stance. The one that she learned from her onii-chan growing up and honed with the help of her sister. Konparu tried to close the distance, reaching out to try to grab her. Hinako blocks each attempt to grab her and retaliates with three quick punches on various parts of his body. 'Good thing sis taught me those special pressure points.'

This routine of blocking and sending quick jabs continued for a couple more rounds before Konparu falls to one knee.

"Now will you listen, Konparu-kun?" Hinako says. "It really wasn't me. Kidnapping your brother? I'd never-"

"Just stop! You're still acting innocent?" Konparu interrupts, forcing himself to stand back up. "Give... Minoru back!"

"Konparu-kun" Hinako starts before being interrupted again.

"Nii-chan!" A boy's voice rings throughout the room, gaining Konparu's attention. He turns his head to see his younger brother running towards him.


Minoru jumps into his brother's arms, who starts asking many questions. "Are you okay? Did they hurt you? I'm sorry you had to go through that." He says while hugging the life out of his brother.

Minoru lifts an arm and places it on his older brother's face. "Hey, I can't breathe!"

Konparu quickly lets go, "Oh sorry."

"I'm okay, the cute lady helped me again. She wrapped up all the bad guys with her ribbon again." He points to Honoka who is sitting on top of the three guys she has tied together with her ribbon. Her cascading hair was dripping wet from the rain she had to step out into to beat them up.

"And that's the guy who helped her the other day when those guys tried to steal my lunch money!" He says pointing at 'Hikaru'.

"That was you guys?" Konparu asks, standing up from the ground.

"Thank you cute lady and cute guy!" He says waving to the girl who's sitting down, showing that his hand has a small scrap.

Honoka stands up from the small pile of bodies and walks over to the small boy before kneeling down in front of him. She pulls out a band-aid from the inside pocket of her jacket, while gently taking Minoru's hand. She places the band-aid on his hand.

"Are you okay? It must've been scary." She gently asks.

"I'm okay. Everytime someone bullies me... big brother always rescues me. Everyone says he's a thug, but that's not true. He's really nice. He's our hero!" Minoru answers with a huge smile on his face.

Honoka returns the smile while standing and ruffling his green hair. "Yeah, he must be a great big brother." She responds.

"That's! That's such a touching story!" Totomaru passionately declares. "Konparu. I think you're pretty cool!" He finishes with a grin.

Konparu lowers his gaze. "Sorry about all this...not only did I misunderstand, I went on attack first. I'm ashamed of myself for that. I was so mad, and lashed out without thinking..."

"It's understandable." Hinako responds. "I'd been trying to pick a fight with you for so long. It's a shame that Minoru-kun got involved."

Honoka nods in agreement before walking over to the passed out guys to retrieve her ribbon.

"Why would they do this in the first place?" Konparu asks.

"Maybe they figured if you guys fought, you'd wipe each other out. Or at least they hoped that Honoka would be put out of commission for a while."

"Ha!" Honoka scoffed while bending over. "As if I would lose when a kid is in danger! They got another thing coming." She shakes her head, finishing gathering up her ribbon and walking back over to the group next to Hinako.

Both 'Hikaru' and Honoka looked down, lost in thought.

"You're not just strong." Konparu starts. "You're kind and look out for the weak like you did for my little brother. Both of you." He faces Honoka briefly before facing 'Hikaru' again. "I think you'd make a great leader for the first years."

"Konparu-kun" Hinako says.

"Starting today, you're the boss of Shishiku's first years, Hikaru Onigashima." He holds out his hand for her to shake.

"Thank you, Konparu-kun."

Honoka smiles at the achievement of her sister.

"Oh Yeah!" Totomaru says while he clapped his hands together. "That takes care of all our problems! Hikaru's at the top of the first years, Konparu's part of the gang now, and Honoka didn't have to fight him!"

Honoka gave him a friendly glare of irritation before she got pulled into a group hug with everyone by Totomaru.

"Where'd you get that idea?" Konparu asks.

"It's true, isn't it?" Totomaru asks with a grin.

"Listen you..." Konparu sighs, causing the girls to start to laugh.

"Hikaru? Honoka? What is it?" Totomaru asks.

"N-nothing" they both barely get out while still laughing, making the boys join in.

After calming down, everyone starts to make their ways home.

"See ya guys tomorrow!" Totomaru yells at everyone, separating from the group.

Before Konparu and Minoru head off, Honoka ruffles the younger boy's hair once more. "Get home safe," she tells him. Looking at Konparu she says, "I'll see you in class tomorrow, Greenie." With a smile she turns to leave.

"That's not going away anytime soon is it?" Konparu says dejectedly. "Probably not." She calls back to him, walking away with Hinako.

The walk back to their home was quiet. Once they were home they crawled into their beds.

"Hey sis," Hinako called after the lights were off.


"What were you thinking about on the way back? You were lost in thought."

"I was thinking about what Minoru said about his brother being his hero. We also had someone like that. Our onii-chan was our hero. He taught you which kept you safe, and he introduced me to my passion of martial arts. I was just wondering how he's doing ya know?"

"Yeah, I'm sure he's doing well though. He was always so strong."

"True, well goodnight Hinako."


With that Honoka rolled over onto her side to fall asleep. 'I wonder what onii-chan would look like now. Now that I think about it, the boy who pinned sis to the lockers looked similar to him. He had the same hair. No, no way it would be him right? That would be too much of a coincidence. I must be too tired to think straight.'

With those final thoughts both girls drifted to sleep to the lulling sounds of the rain outside their windows.


I can't believe I've already written 6 chapters. I'm so excited. I hope you're enjoying the story. There's still plenty more to come, along with new school events and fights. Until next time...


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