"I know I'm not that forgettable since you dance with me last night," he took the seat opposite me. "Looks like you could use a break," he smiled.

"Are you stocking me?" I put down my book to take a closer look at him.

He chuckled "I would like to say it's true but I sneak across here every other Sunday."

"Sneaky," I smile and he chuckled.

"I'm here for books but I'm not going to lie and say I never saw you before."

"Oh," I sit back and he leans forward. "You're from Brown aren't you?"

"Yes. Last night was my first shot at talking to you though," he said

Oh boy, and I made it so much better by kissing him I sighed internally.

"Why did you rush out, by the time I ran out you were gone. And that guy— is he your brother?"

"Rick, it's complicated," I said and he nodded.

"Would it be complicated if I take you out to lunch? Look like you can use a break."

"Stalker and mind reader," I said and he chuckled.

Why not, Rick seems harmless enough. "That would be lovely, thank you."

"You know I didn't picture you to be the quiet reading type," he said.

"What type you peg me to be?"

"Dangerous,"s he smiled genuinely and I smile softly before I shake my head.

"Dangerous uh? Good or bad."

"Somehow I think both," he chuckled and my eyebrows shoot up, I laughed.

"I'm Rickford Cruise, a law student at Harvard," he introduces and I smiled. "Sibel Benjamin an English literature, history, communications, journalism, and business major at North State."

"It's a pleasure to meet an enthusiastic, stunning woman like yourself with a beautiful name and a lot of majors," he chuckled.

"Funny but thank you,"

After returning all our books to their shelves we walked out of the building.
We walk to a nearby restaurant as we continue talking and I find myself enjoying Rick's company. He is easygoing and has an amazing sense of humor.

"Are you enjoying our second date?," he asked and I laughed as I take my seat very caught up in our conversation thus far.

Rick takes his seat opposite me and a familiar pair of gray eyes stood behind Rick startling me.

"Date?" Ryon repeated.

I couldn't believe it. He's here. He came... I stared for a few seconds as I tried to process. I gazed at him in the black trench coat he wore, looking mysteriously hot. I bite my lips to prevent a smile or any kind of sound.

I moved my gaze from Ryon to Rick and then back again to Ryon. For a few seconds, we stared at each other, and I did not think of a damn thing to say to this man as I watched the man I should be mad at. A part of me could not help but think he should've been at my door early this morning. Maybe I am too much of a hopeless romantic but a girl can only dream.

His eyes bore into mine, and I feel like he can see my heart rate increasing with the way his iris burns through me.

"Introduce me to your date," he said calmly one hand in his trouser, eyes piercing into mine in his designer suit that fits him like a glove under his trench coat, and his cologne overwhelmed me way over here.

He doesn't deserve an introduction, but the sentiment born out of love and produced out of fear I see as he lowers his lids made me smile.

"This is Rick, my friend," I said, and Rick looked at me before he shook Ryon's hand. "Rick, this is," complication I wanted to say, but I said, "Ryon."

Desire's & FateOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora