Chapter 4: New York City

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She didn't know where she was going.

She was just running, suddenly she saw a bus stop up ahead and decided to ride the bus to the train station where she will go to New York City.

Let's see what these mafias got she thought with a smirk on her face getting on the bus that just came. She walked onto the bus and paid the bus driver.

She stayed on the bus until she got to the nearest train station, where she got off. Walking into the train station she quickly covered her face when she saw the missing posters.

She remembered in a movie to disguise their true identities, they used to dye and eye contact to change their appearance. 'Guess I'm going to need to buy dye and get some contacts,' she thought.

Once she reached the lady selling the tickets she said, 'One ticket, New York'.

The lady scowled, probably because she said it coldly but Isabella couldn't give a flying fuck.

The lady practically threw the ticket at her, but Isabella calmly took the ticket and threw the money in the lady's face before walking away. The ticket said that the train would be there at 10:00, so Isabella had 50 minutes to pass. Because of this, Isa went to the convenience store she saw on the bus. She walked through the store looking for dye.

She finally found some close to the back of the store and saw they had limited options.

There was green (definitely not), black, pink (hell no), and blood red. Isa chose to dye her hair half black half blood red. She went to the register and saw on the clock that she had about 40 minutes before the train came. "That'll be it, beautiful?" asked the cashier who looked and smelled like he hadn't taken a shower in weeks.

She looked at him disgusted," Yeah, pig".

"Who you callin a pig?!" the cashier yelled at her.

"You, you are the only other person in this disgusting store," she said.

The cashier was about to say something but thought it over and just rang up her stuff. "That'll be $400," he said, smirking to himself.

Isa knew that it wasn't that amount but still she gave him the 400 and grabbed her stuff.

The man was shocked that she could even pay for that. "Wait!" yelled the cashier.

"What?" she said with a raised eyebrow.

"I rang it up wrong, it should have been $1000," he said, smirking at her.

Isabella- done with the bullshit- went up to the man, grabbed him by the collar, and said, "Give me my money back and I'm taking this shit". The man nodded and gave her the money.

Isa glanced at the clock and saw she had a good 25 minutes before her train came so she went into the restroom and started dying her hair. It took her 15 minutes to dye it.

Once she came out she basically ran out the door to the train station but with two bags on her arm, it was more like a pregnant lady's wattle.

She got to the station as soon as the train came and got on. To NYC I go she thought to herself. After making sure her bags were securely attached to her, she laid back and went to sleep.

She woke up immediately when the train stopped in New York, happy to see her bags still full of everything on her body. She got up and walked out of the train.

Going up the stairs she saw the beautiful city, almost forgetting why she was there. 'Don't forget Isabella, you are here to destroy them all,' she thought to herself.

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