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17 - the rush

 The yellow Porche Alice had gotten speeds along the small country roads that lead to the city of Volterra which looms in the distance

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The yellow Porche Alice had gotten speeds along the small country roads that lead to the city of Volterra which looms in the distance. Its outside appearance isn't haunting like the castle Bram Stoker describes Dracula resides in, but inside the city, underneath the surface, it's just as daunting.

"I still don't know why you got something so flashy." I swallow, her speeding and winding roads do not agree with my stomach. The window is rolled down fully to keep me stable, causing my hair to whip around me like the sea.

"It was the fastest car they had. Besides, I like it." She sniffs. "Now remember, once we get in the city, most of the traffic will be stopped due to the crowds. With the sun overhead, and Edward's telepathy, I can't go otherwise he'll think I'm lying and rush into it. It has to be you."

"I didn't wear sneakers and win several track trophies for nothing." I sourly joke, "Where am I going again?"

"The clock tower in the center of the city. We're entering from the north, so follow the crowds south and you'll find it. He'll be underneath the tower waiting for the clock to strike twelve at high noon." The city now looms over us with its ancient walls and crowded buildings. Against the sky, I can make out the central feature, the clock tower where I'll be heading. It seems so far away, he seems so far, but it must be no more than a mile. Entering the city, we're quickly stopped, the roads blocked and the police redirecting traffic playing pawns for the undead population who runs the town.

"Clock tower! High noon!" Alice calls out to me as I jump out of the car, a police officer rapidly arguing with her in his foreign tongue as I move past the barrier and into the crowd of people making their way to the city center.

I struggle and push against the crowd, receiving yells and swears in loud Italian and other foreign languages from tourists. It's like the red sea parting for me as I push through, disgruntling the festival goers as I follow the current into the city, the clock tower growing closer and closer as I run.

The crowd breaks into a plaza, the tower is due south of me and the blood is rushing around my lungs. Constricting and struggling as I force my way through, strangers elbowing me and glaring at me as I'm tossed to and through, cutting in between families and conversations. The sun is directly above me, and the clock is only seconds from announcing the arrival of noon. And my body is clogged as I reach a large interact fountain.

There's no logic as I cut through the waters, gaining attention from those who cling to the sides of the fountain, they stare as I make it to the other side. Water heaving down my jeans as I jump out and steady myself, spotting a shadow under the tower waiting for his spotlight moment.


As I move again through the crowd towards him, my eyes focused only on him and his gaunt appearance. His normal graceful appearance is worn at the edges, ghostly as I call out to him mentally, trying not to gain any more attention from the oblivious citizens of Volterra and those visiting.

My feet slam against the steps as he begins to move out of the shadow, eyes downturned refusing to look up and see that I'm right in front of him. Only feet from Edward as he begins to unbutton his shirt to reveal the pale, shining skin, exposing his supernatural abilities to the humans, and alerting the Volturi.

"Stop!" The word rips out of my mouth as I reach him, using all of my strength to fling onto him and push him back into the shadows, away from the sun. His feet stumble, the shock of our unexpected meeting and my sudden weight as we fall, my hands bracing against his cold skin as we crash.

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