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09 - the sickness

 "Apparently he's super sick, he can't even call me back

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"Apparently he's super sick, he can't even call me back." Bella frets as we sit in the tiny school library attempting to study for our calculus quiz. The other night I ended up going to see a movie with her, Jacob, and Teresa, but it was cut short due to Teresa coming down with the fever that's been making its way through town. Jacob followed shortly after.

"Bella, give it a few days, he'll be fine." She doesn't seem convinced by my words. Worried that this is his excuse to flake, his rejection.

"But what if he's not? What if I did something wrong and he hates me?" I shift in my seat, trying not to roll my eyes at her anxiety. Though, it's understandable to see why she's upset, they'd been spending most of their days together between studying and fixing up old mountain bikes, so to suddenly not see him for several days is concerning.

"He won't. He likes you too much." I've seen how they interact, how they're intertwined. They'd spent the entire movie holding hands and being too hung up on each other to notice how long Teresa had been gone before I finally did.

"Yeah, you're right."

But she continues to worry, and days continue to go by without a call from Jacob. Bella looks like she's losing her mind, wondering what she did to deserve shunning.

"What's worse is Dad went down to go fishing with Harry Clearwater the other day, and he saw Jacob with Sam Uley. And early he had been freaking out, saying Sam was trouble." Bella explains in my car the following Friday night after a school basketball game that we'd dragged each other to. Both of us were attempting to get out of the house and stay busy, even if Bella's doing it to make up for the lack of time with Jacob. "He told me that Sam had some cult-type thing."

Her words remind me of a statement made by Seth weeks prior. About Leah's accusations and Sam's intimidation of Jacob that day on the beach. It's hard to shift the image I have of Sam, who was once such a good and respectable guy.

"Don't worry about any of that, Bella. Sam Uley used to be someone I would tell you not to worry about, but that's changed since September. Although I suppose everything's changed since then." I sigh, massaging my forehead and trying not to unbury the weight of it all.

"The same thing happened with his friend Embry. He started acting weird, skipping school, and then suddenly he was with Sam and his followers." She worries. The group of followers is an interesting case too. I have a hard time figuring out where Jared fits in with all of this.

"Have you talked to Teresa? Jared's one of those guys." I ask, if anyone knew what was going on, it would be Teresa. She and Jared told each other everything, no matter how big the secret was.

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