Chapter 14

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But I was loved by the most beautiful, amazing and perfect person to ever exist. If that wasn't enough, what will ever be ?

"I love you, Deku. I love you." I hugged him. I never wanted to let go off him. I never wanted him to go away ever again. I wanted him by side, always.

Although I'll have to accept that, when it comes to hero stuff, he'll always put the well-being of others first, I was ready to. I've always been. He was like this since forever, and I didn't want to change a thing about him. I was in love with him anyway, so even if it hurt a bit, I'll accept it, for him.

Telling him what I've kept to myself these past weeks had gotten the best out of me. I needed some time to process everything that had happened, but I felt relieved. He's here, in my very arms.

I mumbled in his neck, "Can we just sleep together, like before ?"

He pulled back, and nodded.

We went under the bedsheets, and Deku snuggled onto my chest. He literally buried his face in it.

"You smell good," he said. I could feel him smiling. I made him smile, after everything he's been through these past weeks, he smiled because of me.

"You too, better than when I caught you earlier," I knew this time, it was ok to joke about it.

He laughed lightly and, how God, I had missed his laugh.

"You know Deku, I've never thanked you for what you made me become." he held me tighter, and I ran my hand through his hair, again, and again, and again.

"You don't have to thank me, Kacchan," his muffled voice coming from my chest. "I didn't made you become someone else, you know ? I think I just helped you show a side of you. The one you had buried deep in you. I've seen it when we were kids, and I see it now."

Maybe he was right, but deep inside, I was sure he had done something to me. He made me taste what being cared for felt like, he made me felt a sense of happiness I had lost long ago, and he made me fall in love.

It may have hurt, it may have been difficult and I may have been reluctant at first, but here we were.

Our fight near UA's building was far behind us, and the one in class too. My creepy love stare was over now, I could look at him intently and fully without any shame. The time I had panic attacks was over, the time I'd starve myself and train without any consideration for my body to punish my actions towards Deku was over
too, and so was me having nightmare about him and him about me.

The camp trip had helped us a lot. I think this was when I became aware of my feelings for him. Maybe what hit me was the fact that he slept with me, when he could've had fun with others. Maybe it was the fact that he cared about me enough to eat a fruit salad with me at five in the morning, just to make sure I had eaten or, for the same reason, maybe it was the time he invited me to come in his house and have diner.

"I'm lucky to have found you, Deku," I whispered in his ear.

He didn't answer. I shifted a bit to see him, and saw that he had fell asleep. I smiled. He looked so peaceful.

Soon enough, I joined him, certain that both of our mind were replaying the same three words.

Some times had passed. Shigaraki was still out in the wild, and it was still eating away Deku's mind. But I was there for him. I never left his side anymore. If we'd have to fight, it'll be together, plus all of the 1-A class of course. We came as a package, now.

Deku had found his smile back, and so everyone had, even I, who never had much of a big one.

One day, Deku came up to me while I was in my dorm, reading a manga. He was carrying a cake, with a lot of candles everywhere.

"Happy fifteen years anniversary !" He said happily.

"Deku, we've not been together for fifteen years already, you know that right ?" I was a bit taken aback by his sudden implication in our false love calendar.

"No, but today, fifteen years ago, was the first time we met ! " He looked so fucking cute when he was being smart.

I got up from my bed and took the cake from his hand, placing it on the table.

"How did you remember ?" I asked curiously.

"It's my mum who told me," he admitted shamefully. "She called me this morning, so I baked this cake."

"Does your mum have a calendar with every big things we've done together as kids ?" I joked.

"Probably..." It wasn't surprising.

We sat down, cut the cake and ate some of it. It was actually good, Deku had improved his cooking skills.

"Thank you for this," I said.

"You're welcome, Kacchan," he replied, a big smile on his face.

I looked at him, and I was mesmerised. I couldn't understand how there was a time I didn't pay attention to those green eyes. I probably stared at him a long time, because he asked me "Are you ok, Kacchan ? You seem lost in your thoughts."

I didn't answer, I just pulled him into a hug, because this was probably the only thing that didn't change in me, I still had difficulties to find my words, or to simply express myself when it came to deep things.

So I had pulled him into a hug, and I kissed him on the forehead. This kiss was saying everything I couldn't. It was saying thank you. Thank you for being in my life, for being you and for everything you've done for me.

It was screaming, I'll be with you, forever and we'll grow old together. We'll have our own house, in which I'll fall asleep by your side every night.

It was whispering, I love you, hatred has been replaced long ago.

Really low, it was whispering, thank you for showing me a world full of colors, when I had always seen mine in black and white.

How would have I turned out if I didn't listen to him and didn't let him help me ? I didn't want to know. This Kacchan probably existed in a parallel universe, and he'll probably live to regret not having made the same decision as me.

He had showed me light, when I was swirling in a deep hole I couldn't have come out of by myself. He had showed me the light he was holding into his very hand, and shared it with me.

A frame came to my mind. Young Deku was stretching out his hand to me, more than fifteen years ago, when we were kids. I had fallen into a river, and without any hesitation, he had ran up to me, just to see if I was ok, and to help me if I was not.

Differing from my memory, this time, I reached for his hand, and as he pulled me back up from the cold water, he pulled me into a greater life. The life I was living at the moment, and the life he made me live, because what was life, before the phenomenon that Deku was in someone's existence ?

Midoriya Izuku may was the world's saviour, but I considered him as my one and only.

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