Chapter 3

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I slowly woke up, but didn't open my eyes quite yet. It smelled like sanitisers. I was probably in the infirmary.

"Bakugo, you should face yourself." It was Aizawa sensei. "I don't know what's going on inside your head, but clearly something is wrong and this has to do with Midoriya. I saw your encounter with him last night, there was security cameras where you were."

"So you're spying on your students ?" asked Kacchan, irritated.

"I worry about my students."

"Anyway, I'm fine and I have no trouble to face. Deku is just Deku, he can't affect how I feel." You could clearly tell he was trying to be polite to Aizawa sensei, but his voice was angry, as usual.

Aizawa sensei sighed. "I suggest you go back to class, I'll be there soon."

Once I heard the door closed, I opened my eyes and tried to move. I was fine, except my head. I could feel bandages wrapped around it. I tried to turn around, but just that made me feel dizzy.

"Are you ok, Midoriya ?" Aizawa sensei asked me, concerned, when he saw me waking up.

"Yes, I'm fine," I lied.

"Are you sure ? Recovery girl said you had a concussion."

"Yes, I'm fine," I nodded again.

"I'll go back to class then. Take some rest. See you tomorrow, Midoriya."

"Thank you, see you tomorrow Aizawa sensei."

For the next couple of hours, I felt empty. Recovery girl went to check up on me from time to time. I thanked her, but my words were hollowed. Kacchan caused me a concussion. He thought I was mad at him, that I hated him. He thought he disgusted me. This was all I could think about.

I certainly did not hate him, but how could he know ? He has always pushed me away. Every time I tried to speak to him, to help him or to have any kind of contact with him, he called me names or ignored me. How could he made assumption about how I felt about him, when he had never listened to me ?

What I said last night was not relevant. I was angry, I wasn't thinking straight and yet, this was the only time he listened to my words.

I looked at the situation from every possible angles and, with that, I thought my mind would explode. Am I not reading him right ?

Around 6pm, I was allowed to leave the infirmary. My head still felt heavy, but I dealt with it. When I arrived in front of the building where all of my classmates and I lived, I saw Todoroki sitting on the stairs. When he saw me, he got up.

"Hello Midoriya, how do you feel ? Everyone was worried about you." His voice was kind.

"Hi, I'm good thanks," I lied once again. I didn't want my friends to worry about me. "I'd just like to sleep. Can you tell the others I'm fine and that I'll be sleeping ?"

"Yes of course, if you need anything just ask me."

I smiled at him. We went inside and I looked around. Everyone was in the living room, except Kacchan. I made my way quickly to the stairs, as I heard Todoroki tell the class I was back but needed to rest. They all let out a sigh of relief, and at that my heart melted a bit.

I went to my room and immediately threw myself on the bed. I didn't even bother changing my clothes or taking off my shoes. I fell asleep right then.

The next fews days, I tried to talk more to Kacchan. I didn't want him to think I was mad at him. I'd ask him for a pen in class, or to pass me plates on the table when we ate. The thing was, I couldn't help but feel scared around him. When he stretched out his hand to give me his pen one time, I thought he was going for a punch and I flinched. He muttered something like "You're stupid, Deku" but I just thanked him for lending me his pen, my heart pounding like crazy.

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