How I hated

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I hate it. I hate it so much. Having to rely on others. I don't believe in heroes and princesses. I believe in saving myself. That is why I hate having him come when he does.

He jumps off a rope ladder hanging from the helicopter hovering above. The one I heard before in the distance. The boat rocks dangerously. The man grabs Monster off of me and pushed him over the edge of the tiny canoe. He lands on his stomach into the water. Landing with a giant splash. Surprise had Monster go down easy without a fight. He is now fighting the water and screaming help. He can't swim. Nobody makes a move to help him. The man who paddles inches back as if to hide himself. But the boat is tiny. He can't move more than a few inches back. The man kicks him in the head, knocking him out and then pushes him over too. Then he turns to me. Even though I hate it, I'd rather my life than my dignity.

He is my hero.

Even though I can't really call someone who came to kidnap me a hero.

He grabs me and pushes me to the rope ladder.

"Climb," he says.

"I can't, my hands are tied."

He sighs and digs out a pocket knife from his pocket. He flips it open and in one swift movement the binds come loose from my hands and are on the floor.

"Climb," he repeats. Even if I want to, there is nowhere to run to. I do the only thing I can do. I climb.

I climb into the helicopter.

And I fall asleep.

When I wake I am in a room on a bed. I wonder how they got me here without waking me. and then I notice the food. This could kill me-but it probably won't. By now I am beyond worrying about that. If I'm dead they can't get information out of me.

I eat it all. French fries and rice. I am licking the plate when he comes in. The man I hate who saved me but kidnapped me.

"What do you want?" I ask, keeping the plate by my face to hide my blush. Then I take it down because he's staring and I feel awkward.

"You have something on your nose," he says.

Probably French fry oil. I wipe it but don't feel anything.

"Gotcha," he smirks.

"What do you want?" I repeat my question.

"Are you the only one that knows?" he asks suddenly urgent.


"Don't play dumb with me. You and I both know there is someone else in the world that knows."

"Do you know?" I ask.

"Would I kidnap you if I did?"

"Do you have any more food?" I can't help but ask. Eating if anything only made me realize how hungry I am.

"Sure, but tell me Holly, tell me who knows."

That is when I act. I take a step forward and catch my foot at the corner of the bed. I fall on him and push him down but I stay upright.

He's on the floor. Before he can react I step over his body, on his stomach. Over his head. I hit it with my heel for good measure and I run. Somebody will be after me in moments. I know. I don't bother being sneaky. Now I just have to find a way out.

From the plain room, the hallway was such a shock. The ceiling was high, walls lined with painting. Floor carpeted in maroon. That's good, it will muffle my footsteps. I run down the hall. Doors branch off to other rooms but I don't allow myself to waver. I follow the path ahead. Stopping only for a short moment to look back. Nothing. I turn and run.

The corridor ends in an open room. The ceiling is high and domed. A giant crystal chandeliers hangs from the center. The floor is wooden. The vast open space of the room is empty. I consider bolting across the room or walking slowly. Why hasn't anyone showed up yet? It is too easy.

That is when the door opens halfway down the hallway behind me.


That has me running. I bolt across the room to the giant archway leading somewhere. In a house this big there should be a map. I run through into the next room and see the doors. Light streams through the glass doors. I run.

Opening it wastes precious seconds. I fumble with the lock and it clicks open. I push the doors out and run into the dying sunlight. It is late afternoon.

I stop running. I am in a garden. Only this garden goes on forever. There is a lake, a bridge, flowers, flowers. A path leading to a gazebo. Surrounded by flowers. Far off past the flowers is the water. An ocean view. Who is this man that kidnapped me?

But there is no way out. The garden is fenced off by a fence of straight lines too high to climb.

The guard after me is still inside. It takes me a split second to work out a plan. I hide.

He comes out past the glass doors into a silent garden. And then he sees it. Something brown in the water. He jumps into the small lake and dives at the brown. I emerge from among a sea of flowers and smile. Roots. He went after the pile of roots I pulled and planted there.

He turns and sees me running back through the glass doors into the mansion.

Where am I?

After twenty minutes I figure it out. This place is not real. There is no door out. Just out the back. maybe there is a door, I just can't find it. I go back to the room I woke up in.

The man is still passed out on the floor. There is a bump forming on his head where I hit him with my heel. I bend down and shake him awake.

His dark eyes blink open.

"Tell me how to get out of here, or else" I hissed. I leave the threat hanging.

"You're my prisoner; you're not really in the position to make threats."

"Really?" I asked and press the side of a blade against his throat. It's his knife. I nicked it from his pocket. The knife and a few hundred dollars.

"Fine, kill me." he says.

I don't. I slowly pull the knife away and let him up. It is still clutched in my right hand. I am ready to fend for myself.

"Who are you?" I ask.

"Twelve," he says. I nod. He stares at me with his serious eyes.

"Lead me out," I say.

"No." he says.

I swing a punch at his jaw. But this time he is ready for it. He catches my fist and twists it back. I slam my foot down hard on his toes and then grab my arm back. I punch him in the gut. He doubles over. I smile. Then I fall. He tripped me. His foot pulling my legs from underneath. I fall and grab him down with me. We wrestle on the ground for a moment.

That determines one thing. If I am to take him out, I have to take him by surprise. I make note of that for later.

I roll over and get up. I am panting. Twelve is also. He holds out his hand for me to shake.


"You wish," I say.

I pull my arm back and land a punch on his face.

Then I turn and run away.

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