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Dejhari laid in bed catching his breathe as Kataleya rubbed her hands down his chest. It had been a while since he had sex like he just had it. Kataleya was doing things he never seen before. He understood the hype behind pregnant pussy now that he was finally able to experience it on this level.

Kataleya just laid there with a smirk as she listened to his heart beat. She knew that she had said that she wouldn't be having sex with him since his mom was coming over but he couldn't resist herself. She found that her pregnancy now had her wanting sex more than she ever did. She craved the intimacy all the time.

Dejhari rubbed her lower back as he thought back on how intense the session was. Between the hair pulling, loud moans, and different positions, he could understand how she was pregnant. He knew that they would probably have children back to back. He couldn't help but think about going again.

He kissed her forehead repeatedly before kissing all over her face. Kataleya happily accepted the affection considering she knew he would have to step out in a few hours. She tried to get as much as him as she could while he was home with her because her tears wouldn't stop him from leaving. "I love you." He confessed.

"I love you more." She said softly as she looked at him before pouting. She wanted to spend the whole day with him like she used too when they first met. She missed being with him all the time but she knew since she was pregnant she wouldn't be able to be outside with him like before. "I don't want you to go."

He let out a sigh before looking at her. "You acting like I'm not coming back home. We live together. You gonna see me again tonight." He said as he rubbed her side. Kataleya couldn't help but roll her eyes at him. She felt like he didn't understand what she was saying.

"It's not even about that. Fuck it." She said trying to roll away from him. She knew it would be harder from her than usual because she was starting to show. Her stomach poked out and it was so uncomfortable for her. She felt like her stomach was way too heavy.

"Muga, I have to work." He said before kissing her cheek as she pouted with her arms folded. "I feel like we have this same argument everyday. What can I do to make it better? Do you wanna come with me?"

She shrugged before smiling a little bit. She was starting to feel bad because he was right. They did have the same argument everyday. She never wanted to be away from him and she didn't understand why it was so hard for her now.

"I'm sorry if I keep making the same argument baby. I don't know what's wrong with me. I just hate being in this house and then being in here without you is so much worse because this," She stopped herself before sighing hard. She didn't want to say it because she knew it would hurt his feelings.

"This what?" He said looking at her intensely with a slight mug. He hated talking about this because he knew what she would say. He knew she felt like this wasn't her home and he didn't know how to change that. He didn't want to move because the house meant so much to him. "Go ahead and finish."

"Dejhari, it's not even like that." She comforted as she rubbed his arm. She looked at her man as he looked at her with his light brown eyes. He was letting his facial hair grow out and it suited him very well. His hair was freshly retwisted and shaped up. She couldn't help but rub on his face. "I love you and this house."

"So what you saying then?" He asked with a frown. "You can just tell me wassup. You hate this house?"

Kataleya smacked her lips and started getting out of the bed. She didn't even feel like going there with him because she knew they would start arguing. "I don't even wanna go there." She said sliding out of the bed.

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