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Kataleya and Dejhari held hands tightly as they walked into the venue. Kataleya was so nervous because she would be not only telling her friends and family about her pregnancy but she would also be revealing the gender. She didn't know what she was having and was so on edge to find out.

She looked around at all of her friends and family who were screaming and cooing at the two. Everybody thought they were having a anniversary dinner considering their announcement of two years was coming up the next day. Dejhari just looked at them unimpressed as they recorded.

"Why you not smiling?" Kataleya asked rubbing his hand with her thumb anxiously. She was nervous on his thoughts of the whole thing because she didn't plan anything. It was all Demaya and Treasure. She just told them that she wanted to wear white.

"Cause these people recording me." He said lowly into her ear before kissing it. She hugged him as everybody watched them interact. She felt like it was weird but the party was for them. "Come on."

They ended their conversation due to Kataleya being pulled away from him by Treasure and Demaya. She mingled with a few of her guests before being approached by her mother with Kaneeya in tow.

Kaneeya wore a white dress with sandals. She had a small white bow at the top of her hair and a ponytail at the top. She had a small purse going across her body.

"Hi nene!" Kataleya said grabbing her hand as she cheesed at her. "I love your outfit, Pretty girl."

"Pretty!" Kaneeya responded as she held her hand on her hip. She walked away towards Dejhari and his family who were talking amongst themselves as they drank and watched around the restaurant.

"So why we really here?" Mario asked approaching Dejhari as he talked with his uncle. He looked over at Mario and shook his head. He hadn't talked to Mario since the incident that occurred at his house. He was lost for words at how fast the whole thing escalated and was disappointed in his friend for not helping.

"For the reason y'all got invited." He said keeping it short before sipping on the flute glass of champagne. He scanned the room as he held his glass close to his chest. He watched as his family interacted and even laughed. He was happy to see positivity.

"You still mad about that lil shit? The shit ain't even have nothing to do with us. That was girl shit." He said with a deep frown. He didn't want to be at odds with him. He knew how Dejhari was when he had a issue with something and he felt like it wasn't even that serious.

Dejhari shook his head. Before he could respond, Marcus approached the two with his daughter in his arms. He held her close to his chest as he smiled at the two men. "You see my seed?" He questioned as he pulled the blanket back so they could get a better look at the small infant as she slept.

"Why is she here? Ain't she only a few weeks old?" Mario asked causing Dejhari to laugh. He couldn't believe his brother had brought his child out so soon. They were at an event which meant there would be a lot of people which also means that germs will be everywhere. "You bold."

"She good." He said fixing her socks. "We building her immune system. Watch she never get sick."

Mario looked over at Marcus with a side-eye as Dejhari shook his head. He knew his brother didn't know much about parenting and neither did he but he atleast knew not to bring the baby out until she's atleast a month old to prevent her from being sick. She was too new to be at the event.

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