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"Dadda." Imlie whispered standing in front of her father.

Her father had a blank look on his face and this was making imlie nervous to no extent.

One thing that she kept chanting in her mind was 'He must be so angry at me.'

"My child." Breathing out these two words, he engulfed his daughter in a bone crashing hug.

And it was shocking for imlie. Where she had been expecting her father to give her a good scolding about being irresponsible, he was hugging her. It was unbelievable.

"Don't cry." He patted her head when imlie sniffled in response.

"I am sorry dadda. Please forgive me." She still cried clutching on her father's kurta.

"What's there to forgive imlie when I wasn't angry at you in the first place." Her father comforted her and imlie shook her head stubbornly.

"I know this marriage meant a lot to you. Not just you, but everyone." She butted in.

"But you still did it right? Then it must've been the correct decision because I know my daughter wouldn't do anything irresponsible specially when it related to the family." Her father replied.

"It was correct." She nodded, directing a glare towards Aryan who rolled his eyes making her more mad at him.

"Then? What's there to panic about?" Her father questioned making her sit on the chair beside countertop.

"But everything was going on perfectly for everyone. And then I ran-" She started only to be cut off.

"But running away was also the perfect option for you at that time. You took the decision in a hurry and now tell me whether you're happy that you ran away or you're guilty?" Her father asked in his stern tone.

"I-I-" She stammered.

"I expect an honest answer from you." He warned.

"I am- happy." She ended sighing.

And there on the other hand, Aryan's heart leaped out of his chest in sudden shock.

'She's happy that she ran away.' He kept thinking.

"There it is! What are you worrying about imlie then? Don't tell me you think that this marriage meant more to me than my daughter's happiness." Her father tried to lighten the mood.

And no words came out of her mouth.

"You seriously think that?" Her father gasped and imlie chuckled at her father antics making everyone else laugh around them.

Nothing was better than to see the apple of their eyes, imlie, happy.

"Don't think about it anymore." Her father whispered, yet in a stern tone making imlie nod her head.

Everyone were settled in the living room of aryan's farmhouse. Imlie was squished between her mother and ex to- be mother in-law.

The name itself makes imlie laugh at times.

But the funnier thing was how imlie ended up in Aryan's farmhouse. As she told everyone of yesterday's happenings, their faces displayed the shock and humor quiet well while Aryan was busy pouting.

"Imlie, how could you go to a stranger's house just because you didn't have any other place to go? And thank god it was Aryan. What if there was a serial killer or something? What would you've done?" He scolded his daughter.

"But I didn't have any other option. You people would've found me anywhere." Imlie pouted making everyone laugh.

What she was saying was absolutely true. Rathore's would've found her within minutes.

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