chapter 19

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Dazai's pov

I was laying down with my head phones on. I was listening to the sounds coming from then untill i heard somthing "there you are enigma" that voice i know it.... SHIT!

(F/N) pov

When fyodor disappeared i heard foot steps running toward me. I turned around and i saw dazai there "(f/n) where is he?" Dazai ran all over as if he was looking for someone. Wait dose he know? "Who?"

"Dont play dumb (f/n)! Wheres fyodor?" Dazai ran up to me and pulled me towards him... it reminds me of that time when oda....

"Oda please!"

"Oda why!?"

Those memories....

"Promise you wont leave me too (f/n)!"

I rememer him holding me this close that day... that day oda died and we ran away from the mafia...

I thrn felt dazai pull me into a hug "what did fyodor want from you?" He asked me... i told him about the cover that man gave me and he looked shocked. He snached it out of my hands and turned around "I'll sourt it out sis... go have fun" dazai then went back inside. He knows somthing.

But what?

After a few hours i was back with the others partying. I remember drinking ( favourite alcohol) [if you dont have one just pick a random one] and eating some cake and many other junk food there. I know dazai said not to worry but.... he must of known that man, i wonder how.

"Hey (f/n)" i felt kyoka tug on my shirt. She passed me some water saying that i looked like i drank a little too much... i guess shes right, i do feel tierd.

Dazai looked over and laughed "i guess little miss hero needs her beauty" dazai then picked me up and took me to our flat. Dazai layed me on the couch and placed a blanket over me. "Night sis" dazai then turned the lights of and also when to bed.

What a day today...

335 words


The Minic (fem reader x BSD)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz