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Y/n was made for Jack. It was very obvious to the world.

Only Jack didn't seem to belong to the world as he never noticed.

Simon knew, Ralph knew, Roger knew. Hell! Even Piggy knew!

It was very obvious from the moment they landed on the island that it was just gonna be.

Y/n brushed the sand off her pinafore as she looked about the island watching out to find some other form of life.

Soon she heard voices and was almost 100% certain that it was just one voice.

"Keep going. I'm sure that if we look we'll find grown ups." The voice was strong and it sounded like when it sung it could be quite powerful.

"Hey!" Y/n cried, trying to get them to notice her. She saw the red haired boys head move slightly as if he'd heard something. "Over here!"

And with that y/n began to scramble towards the group when they halted.

"Who are you?" The boy asked her.

"Y/n. Y/n y/l/n," she said.

"I'm Jack Merridew."

And she stuck her hand out for him to shake.

Everyone remembered when Roger accidentally told y/n and Jack looked like he was about to blow up.

Roger had been in a particularly foul mood that evening while they all sat on the beach, Jack and y/n particularly close together.

Y/n and Jack were having a normal conversation, one about pigs, when Roger just yelled "Can't you see stupid! He likes you!"

And that's how Y/n discovered that Jack Merridew did indeed fancy her a little.

Then the next thing she knew was that he was going to form his own tribe and she was to be queen.

She remembered the days like that. They all held fond places in her heart and she held them dear now when she was older.

Then there was the time that Jack asked her to marry him.

They had been talking and after a while Jack got up and went to leave.

Y/n saw that he'd dropped things and with all her curiosity building up inside of her she picked them up and examined them.

One of them was a letter.

Y/n Y/l/n, I have been in love with you for ages, since the first time I saw you actually, and now I want to bring our relationship to the next level, y/n y/l/n, will you marry me?

Soon Jack came back to her smiling and screaming yes at the top of her lungs like a maniac.

Y/n still had that letter. She held it in her hand now as she watched a petal plummet to its death.

And then the realisation hit her. What would she do without Jack Merridew?

She'd have no one to kiss her, hug her, make her laugh. She'd be as miserable as Éponine.

There was no way in the world she could let him, the love of her life, go and divorce them, sure they'd been through rough times, both of them had said things they didn't mean but at the end of the day she still loved him.

And so y/n took to her heels and ran out of the house and down the street catching up with him.

"I'm sorry! I didn't mean it!" She cried clinging on to him, tears streaming down her cheeks.

"Y/n? I didn't mean it either!"

And she kissed him and dragged him back home and she felt ten times better than she did at the start.

My final A/N


Sorry it's horrendous. Jack was supposed to die and you were supposed to be at his grave and I realised I could not do that no matter how hard I tried.

Another request by Butterup2 and I have to say thanks for asking for it otherwise I never would have written it:)

I think it's time that I closed the curtain on this book as I've had so much fun writing it and all but I think while writing it I grew out of LOTF much and all to my dismay. I still love it very much but I think it is time I moved on.

Thanks to everyone who read this book, commented, added this to their reading lists, voted or even was just there!

I'm sad to do this but I don't think I can keep going.

I might move on and do a Les Misérables one or a Little Women one now and who knows someday I might come back and write a few more chapters and rekindle the flame! If any of you would be interested in either let me know!!!

I'm very thankful to all of you and I wanna say just thanks for being there when I needed somewhere to escape to.

Thanks a million,

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