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Jesus Christ on a bicycle! Over 1000 views!!!!!
Thank you so so so so so so much!
Thank you to everyone who reads, comments, votes and follows! You are all amazing and I love you all! Thank you so much!
Unfortunately I think I'm gonna have to draw the book to a close soon as school has become very insane as my friends seem to be growing out of our friendships and making new friends (and certain people seem meaner now) and I can't say I am partial to this as I've been friends with them since year 8 coming into the school as the only child from my primary. But I'm sure it'll work out well:)
If you all really don't want me to end this I will reconsider but updates might become a bit less often.
I'm really glad that I've been given this opportunity to write about three of my favourite characters ever:)
Thank you:)
Thanks for being a kind community for me to come and be safe in:)
Before I end up going for good/updating less, thank you for the millionth time for the joy you have all brought me:)
I think I might try a new story or book of preferences (Les Misérables?) as this book seems to hold a lot of memories as a lot has changed since I started this:)
If this is my last update, thank you and you look amazing and you are awesome:)
P.S do some positive affirmations if you feel down:)
Thank you!

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