A Simon One-Shot

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He knew he liked her/him, it was fairly obvious.

Now he admitted his feelings to himself the next step was to tell her/him. Her /him.

He couldn't!

He simply could not!

The next thing Simon knew was that Samneric were standing beside him grinning.

"So Simon-" Sam began.

"You like-" Eric continued grinning widely.

"Y/n" they said in unison.

Simon blushed painfully, his cheeks glowing a sweet but painful red. "N-n-no I d-don't!" He laughed shakily.

"You can't-" Sam started.

"Lie, Simon."Eric finished.

"I mean-" Sam started again.

"The way you looked at her/him-" Eric continued.

"Last night!" Sam giggled.

"So dreamy!" Eric laughed.

"I don't like y/n! Why would I like her/him!" He lied far too quickly.

"Oh it's plain to-" Sam taunted.

"See, Simon! You blush!"

"You swoon!" And after declaring that Sam dramatically fainted clutching his heart.

"You sigh!" An exasperated sigh came from Eric.

"What are you doing?" It was a new voice came.

The very voice of the topic came into the conversation. The voice of y/n.

"Nothing!" Simon smiled and jokily laughed.

"We were actually discussing Simon's crush y/n!" The twins cried in unison.

"And who'd that be?" Y/n asked curios though there was plain obvious hurt in her/his eyes. Fear that her/his dreams would be shattered into a million prices for forever shot into her heart like a needle from an injection.

"You!" The twins giggled.

"Ha ha very funny." She/he replied in monotone. "Who is it?"

"We told you! It's you!" Sometimes y/n wondered if the twins were telepathic.

"Really Simon?" She/he asked with curiosity streaming through her/his voice.


"Well that's a good thing," she/he had snake her/his arms round his pale neck. " 'cause I like you."

She /he brought his face very close to hers/his.

"Can I kiss you?" Y/n whispered softly.

Simon's cheeks turned even more crimson(if that was possible) as he nodded his head.

He crushed her/his lips against his own and y/n had never felt anything quite as good as that.

Their lips moved as one and when they broke apart Simon hugged her/his body.

Y/n smiled as she watched the twins pull faces from over Simon's shoulder.

"Urgh! Yuck!" They cried running away.

A very short Simon one shot as why not! Not requested by anyone:)
It's snowing slushy rain and so I don't think I'm gonna have to do football tonight which is a blessing!
I'd appreciate it greatly if anyone was to send me requests for any of the characters or even just a preference you'd like to see:)


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