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Courtney's POV
I closed class and headed toward my dorm quickly to avoid people wanting to be around me. Exactly before I entered the dorm I heard someone scream from inside. I went inside and saw Miss Model trying to hide a stack of papers. I moved closer to her only to see her move back. There was fear in her eyes. As I  proceeded to talk to her. She just put the stack of papers away and left without answering my questions. I became worried. I thought my fans were disturbing her. Before I could go out to follow her she was nowhere to be found. The other girls came later and I was conflicted about whether to tell them. I later told them what had happened today before they came. They all became worried about Jane. We didn't know where to start looking for her. Unlike Charity and Stephanie who had made a lot of friends already, Jane only spoke to us. We were worried about her whereabouts as it was getting darker. I wanted to call my aunty but I didn't want her to bother about me and at the same time raise an alarm. Although it was less than two weeks I had gotten close to these girls I felt close to them. They were not clingy, they were fun to talk to and be with. We ordered some food for her to eat when she came back, but she didn't speak to anybody and only laid down on her bed quietly after she returned. I was really worried. I didn't bother her and allowed her to sleep.

Charity's POV
The school was okay as long as I could remember. I didn't believe I was in the same dorm with the whole popular Courtney White. A popular influencer and vlogger. I noticed a few things about her. She was very attentive, observant, less of a talker, and a sweetheart. Unlike my partner in crime and I, she barely partied. Which was weird for a celebrity like her. I believed she loved her personal life more than her social life. Stephanie and I were always partying and making new friends. That was what we were good at. I didn't have class on Monday, so I was in the other room with my friend. I was walking on the staircase getting close to our dorm when I saw this man in a hat and hoodie with baggy trousers knock on the door and drop an envelope. I was going towards the door but Jane came out and picked it. I hid for I reason I didn't know. Not until I heard her scream and I ran back downstairs. I was never the party type at first. But because of personal reasons. To escape my past I became a party girl. I went to the nearest cafe to have coffee and returned when Stephanie told me she was back. Courtney told us what happened and I couldn't tell them I was also a witness. Stephanie went to bed early out of exhaustion and I laid in bed waiting for Jane to arrive so I sleep. I couldn't sleep without knowing she was inside safely. The fears of my childhood started flashing back. We were getting unknown messages. It was traumatic for my mom. She didn't tell my dad. I was there when the first letter came for her. I never knew the contents till today. She always hid them from my dad. One night my dad went out and my mom put me to bed early. It was a Friday night and I wondered why because I knew I had to wait for Dad to put me to sleep. Mom seemed stressed that night. I woke up the next morning to find out my mom had committed suicide. If only I stayed up that night and didn't sleep. My two brothers were my late aunt and uncle's children. They did in a plane crash. Since that day I had to take pills to sleep. Cause I always had it in mind if someone was disturbed and was left alone she would repeat what my mom did. Later I heard the door open and knew it was her because Courtney texted me. I need to know who this man was and what he had shown to Jane that made her like this all of a sudden.

Jane's POV
All I knew was the murder was still out there and I drifted off to sleep.

Each girl in dorm 627 had their fears which they had done their best to overcome. And their fears are all connected to past life traumas. As they start to battle their past all over again. They hint that all their past is connected to a particular individul. Do you think they will come together to solve their traumas?

Thanks for reading. Please vote😊

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