"How does that even work?"

"Your friend's position is vacant so is mine. It's better for us to stay together and become friends. In that way, you can defend me like a boss against everyone and I can..."

"You can, what?" She asked raising her eyebrow.

I scratched my head to remember if I can offer anything in return. I found none. "I can ... I can... cook for you."

"By taking all the time only to differentiate between eggs and potatoes? No, thanks!" She waved her palm in front of my face.

"Well, how about I paint you?" I said confidently. 

"Let's not even begin about it. Next."

"How about I eat all your food when you don't like eating? I can save you from getting scolded by your parents." I clapped excitedly.

"Nobody scolds me, Nandini. I am a boss and secondly, my parents are dead."

I stared at her in awkward silence. Why can't I just shut my mouth instead of saying rubbish all the time? Oh! Now she will never accept me as her friend and I have to stay dis-friend all my life. Should I get a shawl and a dog to match my emotion of melodrama? 

"Alright. Let's not stress more. I will ask you later, do not worry." She said shaking her head.

"Really?" I jumped with happiness. "As soon as I learn a new skill I will present it to you as our friendship gift. This is the promise of Princess Nandini Murthy." I said putting my arm in front of her and looking up at the ceiling being as dramatic as possible.

"Stop your antics!" She playfully pushed my arm. "Why do you want to be my friend so desperately? How did you trust me? I could be manipulating you using a few sweet words."

I stayed calm. "You did not seem like a threat and you were so friendly."

"Welcome to the real world my child! Everyone has two faces and you must not go after the fake one, try to find the real face as much as you can before letting them on your side. Got it?" I nodded with semi understanding her words. "You may not understand now, but try to learn early before you can get hurt, okay?" 

I gasped. "I suddenly remembered about the women posing as me, Nandini Murthy. What happened to them? Will they be killed for lying?"

"Nope. They were working as unpaid slaves. They will be given food and shelter but no living wages as a punishment."

That's sad! Atleast they are getting food. As soon as I remembered about food Navya's face came to my mind. I smiled and sat next to her. "Alya, I am worried about Navya. She was hungry last night and I don't know if she was being fed. Can you help me meet her?"

Alya instantly stood up. "Have you lost your mind? Why would you want to look after a traitor? Don't you remember her mistreatment towards you?"

"I remember everything and I am not helping the traitor. I am helping a hungry woman who got dumped by her family, her world. I just want to make sure she is in livable conditions as promised by Niyonika. I promise I am not going to meddle with her life imprisonment punishment."

"I don't understand if you are dumb or naive." She blew air from her mouth. "You have to speak with Niyonika as it's her dungeon, not mine. I can't help you with it, Navya is her prisoner and she has all the right to treat as she wishes. Just to remind you Niyonika might ask something in return from you and I am pretty sure you won't like it."

I frowned. "But Navya might suffer without food. You know, I was hungry all day after my parents died, as there was no one to feed me. There was a cold feeling in my stomach and I felt dizzy. I do not wish the same even for my enemies. It was so horrible."

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