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I was walking with Jake towards the alcohol refrigerators to pick up white claw for the house. We were talking about the situation with Lily and how we were both equally pissed off at her roommates for how much of assholes they were being to her. "You know," Jake spoke. "I've known you for a number of years Colby, and I've never seen you be this nice to a person you just met, specifically a female." 

I furrowed my eyebrows at him,"What? What are you talking about bro?" I replied even though I new very obviously what he was talking about. "Oh c'mon dude, whenever you meet a new girl you always either distance yourself, or just screw her and then never talk to her again." He's right. I'm the heartbreaker of the group, I'm almost always single, and I never get attached. 

'Trust me I learned my lesson...'  this asshole girl Elloise, that I dated for two years was cheating on me the whole time, and after that I swore to myself that I would never trust a girl with my heart again. Not truly at least.

But I swore to myself that I would try to be as nice as possible to Lily, since she was Sam's little sister. So when I found out what happened I tried to be as supportive as possible, but when I saw her for the first time it was like I had gotten shot in the chest.She was wearing athletic, spandex shorts that hugged her hips, and highlighted her thick thighs. And the baggy crewneck sweatshirt she was wearing didn't make my situation any better. 

She had it positioned on her body to where it was scrunched up in the back and sat at her waist, but it hung down in the front accentuating her ass which was not a bad size. She was...hot. From her sneakers to the messy low braid she had her hair pulled back with. She wore six rings, three for each hand and they fit perfectly on her thumbs, middle, and ring fingers. And for some reason, seeing her cry hurt me. I felt so bad for her, I wanted to beat the living fuck out of whoever hurt her.

I don't know what it was, and I know it sounds so cringey and weird, but when I looked at her I felt something. And I'm not saying it's something that's going to last, but it was something. "Well, i wanna be extra nice since she's Sam's little sister you know?" I replied. Jake rolled his eyes in a sarcastic way "yeah, yeah, right brother. I'm gonna go get the white claw, go run to the candy isle and grab me a chocolate bar will ya?" And he playfully punched my shoulder."Sure dude, I'll meet you at the cash register." And we split up into the store.

I started walking towards the candy section, but as I was passing the drinks this random girl ran into me. I was about to tell her off, but when I looked up I realized the girl was Lily.  "Oh, Lily! Sorry about that, I wasn't watching where I was going." I apologized with a sheepish smile. "You're fine Colby! I wasn't watching either." She laughed.

'Her laugh...' my thoughts wandered. 'It's so adorable, and...pretty and all the good things.' I tried not to stare and instead pointed down at the candy gummies in her hand "Oh my gosh! I love those candies!" I said with excitement. She giggled, probably at my enthusiasm and I made a mental note to tone it down next time. 'I can't have her thinking I'm some dork.' My thoughts whispered. "Well let's go back and get the bigger bag then! We can share!" 'Scratch that.'

At this point I was sure I was a blushing mess, and my grin probably did end up looking at least a little bit silly. We walked back to the candy section and we were having a great conversation, I talked about how I came to meet Sam and the rest of the boys, and she was talking about how she ended up in L.A. 

She bent down to look for the candy and my eyes widened. She was crouched down causing creases in her white sneakers that looked like they belonged to a cheerleader. My eyes trailed down to her ass that was still in the same spandex shorts that we picked her up in. Her shirt was scrunched up at her waist siting right above the waistband of her shorts, the front of it hanging down in front of her brushing the top of her shoes.

(Kinda like this lmao I didn't know how to explain it😀)

(Kinda like this lmao I didn't know how to explain it😀)

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'Shit...'  I heard my subconscious whisper as my head filled with thoughts it really shouldn't have..especially because I only met her two hours ago but here we are. I was ripped from my thoughts to hear her voice fill the silence. "So, do you have a girlfriend at home that's just dying for me to leave you alone?"

'Okay, she HAS to be flirting with me. I mean why else would she ask that question?'  "No actually..." I replied in a darker, more flirtatious voice shooting a smirk when she glanced back at me. "Do you have a boyfriend?" I asked in the same flirty tone. She smiled innocently at me, "I do shockingly, that's one of the reasons I got kicked out." She let out a light laugh, as she grabbed the candies and stood up.

'Ouch.'  Was all I had to say, in my head of course. My smirk faded and returned to a blank stare. "Oh..haha..yeah that's funny." I replied. 'You forgot the rule, and you got hurt Colby. It's your own fault. Never trust anyone.'  She furrowed her eyebrows and said, "I'm gonna go grab a monster energy drink in you wanna come with?" 

"Yeah. Sure." All of my excitement from earlier was now gone and shoved out the window. "You okay Colby?" She asked. 'Like you care.'  "I'm fine." I was now returned to my cold hearted demeanor, keeping my hands in my pockets and giving her the slightest glares.'Fuck, am I jealous? As much as I don't want to admit it I think I am..' "I'm going to find Jake. Meet us at the cash register, and hurry up." She furrowed her eyebrows at me again but before she could say anything I just walked off, ignoring her.

'Shit. I feel bad. That was such an asshole move.'

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