Chapter 2: Helping Val and Earl, meeting Rhonda LeBeck

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For the four days, the heroes have been spending their vacation in Perfection. They even help out around the town while staying. They've been helping the good people in this town. Mindy and Brenda are also good kids, and they love playing with Zwei. They managed to go to the next town to get a couple of rental cars. A four-seated car, and a couple of vans. Right now, Sora is with Kairi, Riku, Roxas, and Namine. They're with Val and Earl in the desert of the valley. Riku is going to the bathroom with Val. They're doing their business over the ledge of the cliff. Three cows are by them, mooing and eating the plants on the sand. Riku and Val both sigh with relief as they're done with their business. They zip up their flies, and walk back to the truck and van. Sora and Kairi are sleeping together in the van along with Roxas and Namine. The boys are hugging the girls close, and the girls lay their heads on their shoulders. Riku walks over to them, and looks down at them. 

Riku: Good morning, Sora, Kairi, Roxas, and Namine. This is your wake-up call. Please get up. 

They don't wake up, as the girls get comfortable on the boys. Riku sighs at this. He looks at Val, and sees he can't wake up Earl either. They both look, and see the cows. Then, they both get an idea as they smirk. They both nod at each other, and walk to the side of the truck and van. Then, they leap on them, and start shaking them. 


Kairi and Namine both scream in shock as the boys shake awake as they roll out of the van, holding onto the girls. Earl panics too, and climbs out the back of the truck, taking his sleeping bag with him.

Riku: Stampede, guys! Get out of the way! Quick! 

They all panting as they all look up, and they see the three cows, looking at them. They realize that their friends just pulled a prank on them. 

Sora: Riku! 

Roxas: (Glares at him) That wasn't funny!

Earl: You dumb craps. 

They all get up as the two get off the vehicles, laughing. 

Riku: Sorry, guys. I couldn't help it. 

Earl: I was in a stampede once. Three hundred head going heck-bent for the horizon. (Puts on boots) 

Val: Now, exactly how many cows are required for a stampede, Earl? I mean, is it like three or more? Is there a minimum speed?

Earl: (Puts sleeping bag back in the truck) I wish a stampede up your butt.

The heroes all chuckle at that answer. Riku helps his friends set out the stuff from the van. They're gonna nail some bar wire to wooden boards on the sand. Val and Earl are now smoking as Earl sits on the back of the truck. He then picks up a brewing canister, and puts it down as he looks at Val.

Earl: No breakfast?

Val: I did it yesterday. It was bologna and beans.

Earl: (Ponders) No. It was eggs. I did eggs. Over easy. The kids there and their friends liked it. 

Val: The heck you did. Bologna and beans. It's your turn. 

Earl puts his cigarette back in his mouth, and brings up a closed fist. Val sees this, and gets annoyed as he puts his back in his mouth. They know how to settle this. Rock, paper, scissors. They both shake their fists up and down three times and on the third shake, they pick their choices. Earl picks scissors, and Val picks paper. Earl wins. 

Val: Well, I guess when I'm your age, I'll forget what I eat, too.

Earl hands him the canister, and he takes it to make breakfast. 

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