"I–" Sistine opened her mouth to break the silence, intending to apologize, but Orion spoke at the same time and she let his voice wash over hers.

"Did you want to meet another R16 or did you just want to see her?"

Overwhelmed with a burning shame of committing a faux pas, Sistine couldn't quite think straight.

"M-m-maybe it's not such a good idea, after all?" She squeezed her eyes shut and gave herself a little shake of the head.

It was a true testament to his character when Orion nodded and said simply, "Okay then," instead of trying to convince her otherwise. Suddenly she felt light and empowered, all vestiges of shame melting away.

"I must apologize for bringing up such an unsavory topic," she said firmly and sincerely, seeking Orion's gaze which was trained on the scenery of District 6.

Feeling her eyes on him, Orion turned slightly and gave her a tiny smile out of the corner of his mouth, a reassuring lilt of his lips.

"There's nothing to apologize for," he said quietly, "you're right, of course. We will need to re-evaluate our new initiative. Allowing people to live like a Native might cause more problems than it solves." The man pressed his index finger against the space between his brows.

Sistine inched closer to him, "Doesn't Society work? Why are there plans of changing things?"

Orion looked up, "We have a bit of a population problem." His voice was wry.

"Smaller communities might be the answer, but it would be harder to control and we don't want to spiral and cause another Great Collapse."

"But there were billions too many, weren't there? We're hardly close to those numbers, are we?"

"No," he said gently, "but it was the way that people were living. Culture plays a big part in how Society is run... If we leave people to their devices..." Orion shook his head.

"I'm sure you'll figure something out," Sistine reassured, putting a small hand on his forearm, "you are a District Leader, after all. You were born to lead."

The radiance of her smile warmed the cockles of his heart and he placed his larger, warmer palm over hers, patting it as he said, "Thank you for your kind words. Now, shall we head back? Or would you like to take a walk around the neighborhood?"

"Ooh! Can we?" The girl was almost jumping up and down in excitement, "I would love that!"

The Alpha parked the vehicle at a neighborhood garden and the two alighted.

"Thank you, A42, we'll meet you at the Mess Hall." Orion tipped his head forward and watched as the Alpha drove off.

Gardens planted by Society houses endemic plants in the area and Sistine was slightly disappointed to find that the plants that existed in District 6 were identical to what she found in her own district, though she should have expected it. They weren't more than an hour away.

"Do you think that Gardens up North would look different?" She asked as they passed a huge bush of red furry flowers.

"I suppose so," Orion answered, pondering, "though we've been trying to get different species into our Gardens." He pointed to a spray of white flowers, "Those are Lilies of the Valley, one of the newest additions."

Sistine went up to the plant and peered at its blooms, "It's so pretty."

"To be sure," Orion nodded in agreement, "come, there's something I want you to see."

The two trekked up the gentle slope and as they came to a peak, Orion paused and pointed to the occupied buildings in the District.

"Those are Delta Houses, next to Kappa." It was impossible to guess what colors the buildings used to be under the coat of Delta and Kappa colors. But the light blue law enforcement building stretched high into the sky while the fabricators lived in a squat orange building where they carried out their duties of clothing Society in their uniforms and lavish costumes for event nights.

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