Chapter 35

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//I'm gonna keep the title like this now.\\

Angie's POV

We have to leave! I trust German and I know he will never lie about something like this.

'Lauren!' I shouted.

Lauren came skipping down the stairs.

'Whats wrong mommy?' she asked.

'We, are going to leave today.' I said


'Because, daddy has some problems with work. And its dangerous to stay here.'

'Okay then...' she hugged me.

I hugged her back. I then quickly packed Lauren's bag and my own bag and then we went downstairs.


'Angie.' he came to me and put his arm around my waist.

'Ready to leave this all behind?' he asked.

'Not really.. But its to dangerous over here. So we have to!'

'Your right. One day, we'll be back here, and sit on this sofa together.'



German's POV

We arrived in Spain and we went to our new house straight away.
Lauren ran up to see her room and Angie sat down on the sofa with her head in her hands. I suddenly heard sobbing. She was crying.

'Hey..' I sat next to her and put my arm around her.

'Everything's gonna be alright.. Shh' I tried to calm her down.

Waited long enough ♡♥ (Germangie fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now