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Angie's PVO

I just have to know. why is my life so complicated?! why cant i just be with German without feeling guilt??

Germans PVO

I need an awnser! I am finally with the woman i love and now i cant stop thinking of the time i had with Maria, welk maybe its because Angie's her sister, but still, i love Angie with all my heart, but why?

Angie's PVO

I just want to hold him realy tight and kiss him all night! (hehe that rimes) i want to embrace him everyday i see him but why cant i? what is that feeling that says i cant do it? and why am i letting it controll me??

Germans PVO

Angie is the love of my live and i'm happy we finally gave in, but i dont know how to explain, something in me says it cant.


but I need him/her, and thats never gonna change!

Waited long enough ♡♥ (Germangie fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now