The proposal

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German's POV

I love her, she loves me, but what if she says no? I will be heartbroken for life! But i'm sure she will say yes, i mean a week ago we had a date and we are together for 6 months now so... Wait! I've got an idea! ♥♥. I'll give a party, cause Angie and I are together for 6 months, and then i'll ask her! Yes!!

Angie's POV

I was sitting on the settee, reading my book: Harry Potter part six. (Really good book guys, you should read it!) When German walked in.

'Hey sweatie' he said

'He German, whats up?'

'Well, today we are officialy six months together'

'Are we?! OMG thats amazing! Congrats sweatie!' I jumped up and hugged him.

'Thank you, you to. But i was thinking of giving a party, so Violetta can invite her friends from the studio, etc, that will be fun.

'Okay, sounds great!'

'I'll go tell Violetta about it.'

'Okay, Love you.'

'Love you to'



German's POV

Everyone is here, Angie is dancing with the girls and i'm in my office, getting things ready for, you know what.

Angie left the girls, now is my chance!

'Hey beautifull!'

'Hey German, where have you been?'

'Just, nothing special, may I have this dance?'


When the song stopped i felt that i couldent wait any longer, or the moment would be ruïnd. I knelt down on one knee before her. I saw her getting really nervous, but she didnt look sad or angry. I also felt everyone looking at us.

'Angie, your the love of my life, would you please marry me?'

I didnt had to wait for an awnser, because she kissed me on the lips. First I was surprised but then i kissed back.

We lent our heads against eachothers.

'Ofcours i'll marry you.' She wispered.

Then we kissed again.

Everyone around us was clapping and i could see Violetta jumping up and down like mad.

Where was i so afraid of? I knew she'll say yes!!

Waited long enough ♡♥ (Germangie fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now