Chapter 45 {END}

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My life is complete. I've got two beautiful daughters, I've found my niece back, and most important of all: I met the love of my life. I can't believe that this all happened.. My life is perfect now and I can't even imagine how it was like before.

I sat down on the sofa with my head on German's shoulder.

'German?' I asked.

'Yes?' He said.

'Can I ask you something?' I asked.

'Ofcourse darling.' he said.

'Are you happy?' I asked.

'Angie why do you ask me this?' He said smiling.

'I don't know, I just want to know.' I said.

'Well, I am really really really happy to have Skyler, Lauren and Violetta. But I'm incredibly happy to have you, my beautiful wife, Angie...'

I blushed when he said that.

'...So basicly, I am very happy. To awnser your question.' He said smiling.

I smiled.

'I happy that you're happy, and I am very happy myself too.'

German caressed my cheek as he said:

'I love you, Angie.'

And I said smiling:

'I love you too.'

Then we kissed.

Suddenly we heard a fake cough coming from the kitchen door;
It was Violetta who was carrying Skyler and Lauren walking besides them.

I gestured that they should come sit next to us so they did.

'Our perfect family.' I said.

Then we all repeated:

'Our perfecf family...'

So guyss
This was the last chapter❤
I hope you liked the book ;-)
I am thinking about making a sequel. Would you like a sequel? Please comment:-P
Xx I love you all and thanks for the so many reads and votes on this book;-)

Waited long enough ♡♥ (Germangie fanfic)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz