6. I Was Married Once

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The Lucky One / Rhaenys Targaryen / Taelon Targaryen 

"I hate Daemon he is completely awful." Haezel went on, they had a lot of catching up to do. 

"I have a solution then." Daeron remarked pulling her closer. "Stay here and marry me." Haezel stared back at him as his hand trailed along her hip.

"And marry my uncle like my mother did." Haezel laughed out.

"What? You like me. Clearly you do." Daeron declared.

"I like you- I love you." Haezel agreed. "But Jace hates you."

''Im not asking to marry your twin I want you." Daeron reminded her.

"Have you done this before? You are very confident." Haezel remarked.

"Fuck you or propose?" daeron pondered. She slapped at his chest. "Both in my dreams." Daeron informed her. "And you were always the girl, so yeah. You could say I'm confident."

"In your dreams what did I say?" Haezel countered.

"Yes." Daeron answered. "Then..."

"Then?" She pondered kissing him again.

"Then we stayed in bed all day and ignored the rest of the world." Daeron remarked.

"I like that." Haezel agreed.

"So is that a yes?" Daeron urged holding her face in his hands. 

"Yes." Haezel agreed. "I will marry you." 

Alicent blinked back at Daeron before the words set in. 

"Thats wonderful." Alicent agreed. 

"Wonderful!" Otto agreed. "Congratulations, I'm so happy!" Alicent stared at her father, confusion filling her. Why was he so chill about this? What was he planning? "Haezel, my dear, I know we dont know each other well, but I hope we can change that. I'm so happy for you two." 

"Thank you... grandsire." Haezel offered as he hugged her and Haezel beamed up at him. Otto seemed like the kind of father that Haezel imagined having. One that didnt look at her like a piece of meat but with love and affection, one that truly did want the best for her. 

"You will make a lovely bride, and keep Daeron in line." otto went on. 

"What?" Daeron declared. "I'm great, HAezel loves me. I'm no trouble at all. Don't listen to him, he's old." 

"I am giving my blessing and you call me old Daeron?" Otto questioned. Alicent squinted back at her father, he was laughing, smiling, had a sense of humor, this was not her father, this was an alien.  That was the only logical explanation for this sudden change of mood. 

"Well we have much to prepare for!" Otto declared. "The king will be excited to know too." Otto added. Otto smiled bringing a gentle hand to Haezel's cheek she smiled back at him. 

"We should tell Grandfather." Haezel agreed. She grabbed Daeron's hand and led him back into the castle. 

"What are you doing?" Alicent demanded. Otto turned to her slowly. 

"What do you mean? I'm congratulating-"

"You smiled. You laughed. You joked... you dont do these things." Alicent corrected. 

"Haezel brings out the best in me." Otto offered. 

"What's the matter with you? I like this you, dont get me wrong, but I am concerned." Alicent informed him. 

"That girl is the future. You rejected the offer of Haezel and Aegon and Jace and Helaena years ago, that was foolish of you." Otto remarked. 

"Her children-"

"I know what they are but they are still Rhaenyra's heirs and if wed, they are more likely to side with us." Otto remarked. "Haezel is a sweet girl, she hates Daemon. She has enough friends in the capital that-"

"What are you saying?" Alicent demanded. 

"Damn it feels good to be me today." Otto declared a spring in his step as he headed off. 

"Grandsire, its Haezel and Daeron." Haezel remarked as she pushed open the window and door letting in the fresh air. 

"Haezel... Daeron..." Viserys repeated his breath heavy. 

"Did we wake you? I am so sorry we just had good news." Haezel remarked softly. 

"Great news!" Daeron declared. "Father, its the best news ever." 

"Grandsire?" Haezel questioned as he rasped for breath, he pointed to the bedside table and Haezel held up a tea cup. 

"yes, yes,'' he breathed back and she helped him take a sip. "Go on my dear, good... news?" Viserys questioned. 

"Yeah... we are getting married." Haezel agreed leaning into Daeron. 

"Marriage." Viserys repeated, there was a distance in his eyes. "I was married."

"You are married, to my mother." Daeron corrected. 

"Daemon..." Viserys coughed out and Haezel spun around thinking the devil here with them. 

"Daeron." Daeron corrected. "Haezel I think he needs his rest." Daeron remarked. 

"Grandsire, I'm getting married, I want you to be there, tell me you are happy for me." Haezel begged holding his hand. 

"I'm happy for you dear." Viserys agreed and she kissed his cheek. "Dont marry Daemon, he will make your life miserable." Viserys added with clarity.

"Trust me, not in a million years." Haezel agreed. "I'm going to marry your son." 

"My son?" 

"Daeron." Haezel agreed. 

"Daeron... a good boy." Viserys agreed and Daeron puffed his chest feeling a wash of pride. 

"I am a good boy." Daeron agreed. "Father, we will let you rest." Daeron moved to close the window and door as Haezel sat on Viserys bed. 

"You have to be at the ceremony, I want it done quickly so mother can't say no." Haezel remarked. 

"Your mother wouldnt say no, she just wants whats best... for you." Viserys assured. 

"She wants whats best for herself." Haezel corrected. "Tell her what you told me about Daemon making her miserable, maybe she will listen to you." Haezel offered. 

"Marriage." Viserys repeated. "I was married once." 

"Come on Haezel. The maesters are here for him." Daeron remarked holding onto her hand. 

Vulnerable// Daeron TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now