engagement 2

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Stephanie Mills  pov  well I can't believe  he did it in the most romantic  way I ever  seen  under  the moonlight u been looking  at right  for minute  now sorry can't  help it  my baby getting  married  am stil not over  the shock   would  u marry me oh michael  leave me alone  weell I think he did the right  thing he waited  for long time  am just so happy  to be his soon to wife well u should  have to enjoy  this engagement  would  u look at that ring  welll he better  yeah if he loves u that much  to ask your head in marriage  am happy  that he wanted  it to  am stil so happy   I love u for u Stephanie  those words  ring in my ears hearing him say that  well he going to great  husband  welll marriage  is hardworking  I tell u that now we been  married  for long time   now  am happy  that nobody  get in his ear he has a life outside  of the jacksons  he loves them I love yall to  see well u two just get engaged  enjoy   it  awhile  it lasted  I really  love him I was very surprised  that he ask me to marry him well at least he has his head on straight  I have feeling   u making yourself  nervous  before  u even  walk to the alter  I know would  u marry me yes I will we have so much to do  welll have belend  family  really love them like a family.

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