second date

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Stephanie Mills pov  where u  taking me, u OK  michael, if u don't  get  this thing off me, am u like  it  when u had time to do this? I had to figure  out a way to come on  this  so nice of u. Well, it's something  simple  that's  better  than  the simple  things matter. This is really  good, well, I had to make sure nobody  knew  I was here. I had to ask  that's  all this one he'll of date  to  yeah   never  be to down on yourself  michael   it's the thought  that counts   michael  welll am happy  that u  said yes  to second  date how  how sweet  of u  to think of me that way  welll look at u alll shy  how cute oh stop   that's is actually  good u look beautiful  stop u know as well I do michael  one single  pound  they jump  down your  thort  about  that do u really  get tired of this I mean yeah sometimes  but that's  what comes wit it I guess   yeah I don't  have to like  it though   yeah  I know me moving   our lives  have changed  michael   yeah I know  u know I have heard  about  studio  54 in New York  mabey  we will go there one day  no drugs around  yeah not my thing either   u know one did offer  us some but we didn't  know  what it was  why u are shelted  michael  yeah I know  drugs are bad  for u I would  never  do them no me either.

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