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1976  Stephanie mills  pov u know u love u right  yeah I know we've been seeing each other  but we are never  alone with them around  but I understand  thought  well yeah it's been a long way since we have came  yeah well u can't  love someone after  a year well it takes the time  he has been good to me it my first actual  boyfriend  well a glad they getting   to know me  well ☺️  look at u nobody  knows  we have been dating  a year I thought  u were all friends mind  your  business so u know am not that kind of girl  oh no am just joking  michael  u have to lighten  up a bit  I  wish I could  see u all more yeah since they left  Motown  well it should  be about  me n u we wasn't  close to each other   he was stil  at hazelnut  so u know that goes they just looking   out for us stephanie  yeah I know am not that  girl  I respect  u enough  to not well  at least  u have respect  for me thats what I like about  u nobody  knows  about  us right  um no that's  good I like to keep  it between  me n u am OK with  that that's it was our one year anniversary   of bring together  he hasn't  tried  anything   he is respectful  your  father  sorry about  he just very strict  wen it comes  to me yeah I understand   well am happy  to hear that yeah me to .

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