Sebastian driving 4

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To the gas station because I wanted to have Reese's

He started his car and headed to the gas station for Reese's peanut butter cups he left the hotel room and Sebastian driving to the gas station for Reese's peanut butter when he arrived at the gas station he found his Reese's peanut butter then he went back to super 8 hotel as soon as he got back into his room in super 8 hotel in North Dakota he watched his TV shows

He saw this on his TV its himself

A four-year-old boy craving candy was somehow able to hop into his great-grandfather’s vehicle and make a mile-and-a-half trek to a Speedway in Blaine, Minnesota.
before getting the Santa Fe safely into the gas station parking lot where police quickly met him.
“I’ve never seen a driver this young before operating a vehicle,” said Capt. Mark Boerboom with the Blaine Police Department.
And while Sebastian navigated his candy store run, there were some bumps in the road, including mailboxes. He also dinged a tree.
In fact, we found a portion of the vehicle’s bumper at the neighbor's house. Thankfully, no one was seriously injured in Sebastian’s remarkable ride. But, there are also some serious lessons for him and his family, including plans to lock up the keys going forward and to keep a closer eye on the youngster.
“It could’ve been very serious,” Becker said. “He could’ve hit a car. He wasn’t wearing a seatbelt. We could be talking about a funeral.”

Sebastian is still at it today he does the same thing over and over again he takes the car and this time he beaded to North Dakota and stayed at a hotel room Sebastian is a four year old driver he drove from Blaine MN USA to North Dakota USA an 8 hour drive from his home Sebastian is a four year old boy with an incredible adventure on his mind that Sebastian knew how to figure out how to operate the car he said was I like to get gas the car is Hyundai Santa Fe Sebastian's great grandfather owns and Sebastian took the car keys and drove to North Dakota even though he might be craving for his candy he watches other people do it and he repeats it Sebastian is a adventurous four old when you read this story about Sebastian driving the car you'll understand that this is what he is doing fox 9 asked Sebastian where he was going he replied to the gas station how come fox 9 asked Sebastian answered back because I wanted to have Reeses that's what Sebastian was wanting to have was his Reese's candy from the gas station.         

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